Rick Cavaretti

And the problem with that?


Not the original. 

The original. 

The only reason NV is more than 2 tumbleweeds is because they’re built to take our Californian entertainment disposable income.  So, on behalf of all other Californians, all I have to say to NV is “you’re welcome.”

I’m from NH and boy howdy, do people hate “Massholes.” Even people (like my dad and step-dad) who are from there. I saw similar “Go back to CA” when I was living in WY, and (generic, not addressed to you) buddy, if people are moving from CA to WY, or NV, or MA to NH, there’s a good chance they’re probably conservative

Gee if only volkswagen did not massively break laws and harm the environment they would have 33 billion more dollars in their war chest to spend on R&D and weather the transition from ICE to EV.   

This reminds me of what I saw in Virginia City, NV last year. I did a road trip through Nevada and I plan to again right after Labor Day. All over town, I saw cars and lightposts with anti-California stickers. Slogans like “Don’t California My Nevada,” or “Californians Stay Out (or GTFO).” It was all the same theme.

Why would anyone voluntarily move from CA to Nevada anyway.  

Burn VW, burn to the ground.

We don’t need no water, let the motherfucker burn.  Burn, motherfucker, burn.

Florida real estate is quickly becoming uninsurable by the day. It is going to have quite the shock soon when banks stop writing mortgages, which of course, require home owners insurance policy to be in good standing at all times during the loan period.

Texas Republicans: “well well well, if it isn’t the consequences of my actions.

They’re also extremely anti-LGBTQ+. If you wanna donate to a relief organization donate to the Red Cross.

Wait, you’re not a Christian? Give that bottle of water back you heathen!”

Consider not using images of the Salvation Army, they’re a corrupt organization that’s basically a cult.

Isn’t giving away free water illegal in Florida and Texas?

But but climate change isn’t real...