Rick Cavaretti

My local Target, approximately two and half weeks ago, replaced most of their summer/outdoor stuff (outdoor furniture, rugs, LED string lights, etc) with school supplies. Most schools were maybe out 2-3 weeks at that point.  If I were a student coming off of a difficult spring session, I would sue for mental anguish.

Correct.  He became a vocal tyrant quite soon after that big payout he got roughly three years ago.  Before that, he never said a word on anything.  Money changes you. 

Oh, don’t worry. They’ll replace them with Christmas decorations in September.

It’s the dead of summer so we can safely say it’s time for Halloween season to start ramping up.

But not for that reason. I’m pretty sure the tiles click together like Legos and have integrated wiring. I think the problem was more fitment around seams, angles, obstructions, and just the weight on potentially rotted out old roofs. I had a coworker who had an old house that got traditional solar panels, and they

To be fair, these people probably ordered their roofs before Musk started showing his true Q’anon colors.

Atari called it

Such shortsightedness on the next 100 years. It’s easier for them to just continue on the old path, until they get beat by someone who was interested in progress. 

White Sands was never a primary landing site. It was only used once, and that was by Columbia STS-3, due to flooding at Edwards.

These guys are all idiots only interested short-term profits. If they threw their vast resources at developing renewables and green technologies, they could not only dominate the energy market of the next 100 years, but be hailed as heroes while they’re doing it. But they’ve demonstrated time and time again that

Good to know, given late stage capitalism in this country it is kind of easy to believe.

There’s a lot of construction down there in that museum cluster of Exposition Park. It’s great having all of those museums, and the La Brea Tar Pits fossils/archeology center, all in one place.

Me too!  We posted up at Randy’s donuts.  i feel like it brought the entire city together, which is rare for LA.  pretty damn special

We need to remove oil company subsidies. Fuck these guys

starring Dwayne Johnson.

We were lucky enough to watch it traverse the streets of LA on its way to the CSC back in 2012 or whenever. That was a pretty amazing event.

Once it’s standing you just know there will be a movie where the premise will be the Earth being in peril and someone will need to jump into the “ancient” shuttle to either get away or save the Earth. Of course the shuttle will launch after they fuel it up with a tank that’s conveniently sitting next to the complex.

It’s easy to meet your environmental goals when they are non-existent.

And, there’s the issue with capitalism in a single sentence.