Rick Cavaretti

Highly recommended if you want to save your soul, and sanity.

That’s fine. Social Media is dead anyway

Hybrid.  So either gasoline or hydrogen from a fuel cell ignited.   Batteries don’t explode like that.

Translation:  We’re keeping all the data gleamed to ourselves and away from our competitors.  Your information is our information.  It is Google/Chrome after all.

The only thing that would explode is the petrol in use. Batteries do not explode, they burn fast but not explode. 

And as we speak, China is set to meet its 2030 wind and solar power target 5 years ahead of schedule.

Ah, you noticed that. Texas has practically no efficiency standards or regulations in place, unlike California. Those numbers are pretty telling. One third less people yet over 50% more wasted electricity (and corresponding pollution). They can build leaky, crappy homes, outfit them with energy wasting appliances,

They’re all either overcompensating or trying hard to project their personal sexuality that they’re questioning. 

Where do you come from?  No one thinks in that antiquated way anymore.  

And if DeSantis wants to claim that he’s not enforcing them, then Disney should say “okay, then we’re ignoring them.”

I love how Trump and DeSantis think they can piss all over the constitution then yell immunity. They truly believe they are above the law because they’ve lived their entire lives as criminals and gotten away with it.

TBF anything they put out at that point would have been an unreliable trash heap. VW has never been known for reliability, at least not in my lifetime.
But you nailed it. I found an article from 2014 that cited that 98-2011 Beetles were purchased by women 3:1 to men. While maybe that meant they were reaching an

For once I’m on the side of the mouse

Neither the Governor nor the Secretary [of the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity] enforce any of the laws at issue, so Disney lacks standing to sue them,

Or weird HD truck guys, but who cares what those bigots think. 

Only Boomers are worried about being seen driving a ‘girls car’.

SInce most millenials don't really care about gender roles all that much, and gen next cares even less, that isn't much of a drawback.

The continued manufacturing of vehicles like this and not pure EVs means there’s no rush to build out infrastructure.  Someone needs to jump in first with both feet, for the rest of the body to follow.

So much for Texas tea.