Rick Cavaretti

Exceptional at really fucking things up.  

It must be all that free energy being pumped into the grid from all that continuous sunlight falling upon all those solar panels.  It’s wrecking the energy made from burning shit. 

Who could have seen this coming?

Texas exceptionalism

As soon as those meters get smarter they’ll get suspicious.

Guess it’s time for the Electric Reliability Council Reliability Council of Texas.

If the pandemic taught us anything, it’s that people won’t inconvenience themselves the slightest bit to benefit their neighbors.

I heard an interview with a cisgender woman who has a short haircut. The problem is two-fold: (1) She lives in Texas, and (2) Hair grows very slowly.

MAGAts ain’t real birght, are they.

Why fix your grid when there’s a drag queen in Austin minding their own damn business who you can harass?

So Jimmy Carter lost an election by telling Americans to put on a sweater and dial down their thermostats but the Boss Hogs can tell the yahoos to turn off their air conditioners during a killer heat wave and still stay in office. OK.

We can fly little remote helicopters on Mars, but we can’t keep the Texas power grid up. That’s because scientists run the Mars missions, and Republicans run Texas...

Unfortunately, rogue elements of the (((WOKE MOB))) illegally hooked their nefarious solar panels and wind turbines into Texas’ precious, protected grid as an act of terrorism.

You wanted to be on your own grid you said. It will be just fine, you said. 

For what?

F* you Greg Abbot and ERCOT. After the big freeze, our electricity and gas bills jumped 50% for what?

But Texas told us during the cold snap that the grid was fine against -hot- weather and it was all those frozen birds cannoning into windmills that brought down the power...

The best way to honor those who died in the Civil War is to remember why the conflict was truly fought. It was written in the Declaration of Independence and mentioned by Abraham Lincoln in the Gettysburg Address. We are all created equal. Juneteenth is a celebration of the United States taking one massive leap closer

Did I step on a nerve? Bothered by a moment of honesty? Social media is how my nieces and nephews find out about all the Republican bullshit being pulled in Florida, Texas and other third world locations.

Our children are experiencing all manner of harms via overexposure to digital platforms