Rick Cavaretti

This all happened before, right after the Northridge Earthquake. I remember a few companies bailed out. But you know what? You can’t ignore a huge and lucrative market like California. They were all back within a year. This time will be no different.

I can’t wait for ERCOT to say that they didn’t expect heat as if June isn’t generally hot here every single year.

So how’s that electrical grid doing, Texas?

Americans had it coming... they’d rather pay through their noses for medical insurance than rely on state healthcare because “socialism”.

My understanding is that the PharmaBro and many CEO buddies have been doing some working around that whole “generic” thing in order to ensure that cheap or even “less expensive” no longer becomes a problem.

Everybody complains about the homeless but no one has an answer. Step up!

Most of Florida’s troubles are based on fraud.  They have republicans.  

STFU inbred trumper.  

I’d love a state funded homeowners insurance service, but I want a state funded electric and gas utility first.  Get SDGE to absolutely kick rocks.

Exactly, living can be made financially impossible.

This about covers it.

I sense the twelfth X Files season coming in...

Will it be available for less than $100,000 a pill?  How about in 5 or 10 years?  Oh, never, as long as certain stockholders have any say in the matter?  Ok then.

Some of Florida’s issues are also based on insurance fraud, so it seems like a combo of disasters there.

Well, that explains Ted Cruz.

Unpaid invoices and Twitter.  This is the way.

Ahh yes, the business genius move of... not paying your bills.

“I just feel there is a correlation between things we negotiate and haggle over like houses and cars and their prices rising faster than inflation and wages.”

There’s a whole 50% of living breathing human beings who live in manufactured facts. They’ll never see truth because their feelings will get hurt, though they fake scream facts over feelings. Ask any Republican, conservative or Elon fanchild and they'll insist this was perfect, the most perfect, couldn't be more