Rick Cavaretti

The plan is to go after high-school football this fall by branding it “gay”, then pivot to attacking poultry as a “woke alternative” to steak beginning of November.

Just thinking about how if you had a time machine and went back even 10 years, the idea of a “pro-business, free-market” Republican (lol) fighting with the biggest media conglomerate on the planet would seem so bizarre.

As Imagineers? Almost anywhere in the entertainment industry (and frankly lots of non-entertainment engineering shops). That’s top-tier talent.

Way to go Ron!

To be sure, he only created Japanese concentration camps. Native American ones have been around much longer, though we call them ‘reservations’...

toojayzee is a troll. Just dismiss their comments.

They already are expanding Disneyland, once again. A new ‘world’ is being added, compiled from land which used to be a storage yard and vehicle holding facility.

What is not covered here, but has been by other sites, is the rest of the employees protested the move, and had no intention of going.  They would have lost a lot of talent.  

Texas, I think, would be the next biggest target for “Great for Business Incentives, Shit for Civilized Society” state.

Do you honestly think they’ll expand in a location that will have DeSantis lite, or any state that will also put those restrictions in place? Do you think they’ll risk the same culture war bullshit that the Right is waging right now? I don’t. 10-1 they’ll expand in CA at this point.

It looks like there’s a downside to all those big tax breaks after all....

Floridian here. I’m cool with Disney pulling out of Florida altogether. We don’t deserve to have nice things.

Mr. Justice [Oliver Wendell] Holmes said “Taxes are what we pay for civilized society.” Too many individuals, however, want the civilization at a discount.

I feel like a smart politician who desperately wants to be President would’ve distanced themselves from this controversy a long time ago. But Ronny the Rat can’t let it go. How many more times can this guy shoot himself in the foot before there’s no foot left to shoot?

I’m also pretty sure that the Mouse is looking at other RED states that are working to pass similar legislation, and will be bypassing those states as well. 

Taxes are proportional to the opportunity some locations allow, through culture, higher education, better living, access to huge workforce and prospective jobs.

DeSantis will never be POTUS after this blunder.

Hi, Disney.