Rick Cavaretti

Renewables are doing just fine, unless you’re a spokesman for the ‘other’ energy interests. 

California black outs were mostly the result of management making a decision to shut down power to avoid more brush fires, like the one that killed 88 people, a resultant of poorly maintained power lines.  I can’t remember the last one which was due to a power plant going offline.

A beautiful ‘I told you so’ situation and a teaching moment for a certain political ideology. Saving a couple of dollars in no way presents an advantage when dealing with fascist policies restricting your business decisions. You play stupid games, you pay the price. Florida, you lost.

Get lost Cruz, NASA and its conclusions don’t need your politics.

So they’ll preemptively start blocking all right wing content?  Good.

Bullshit generator generates bullshit. I am not suprised.

LOL Poor Traitor / NAZI Elon LOL> Just go to Mars and rot you sorry Nazi White Trash MOTHERFKR!

Now I’m no mathematician, but I do have a calculator. So Elon paid $44 billion for Twitter. If 180,000 users are paying $8 per month for a blue checkmark, that comes out to $17.28 million per year. Which means Elon Musk will break even in the year.... 4569.

Saddling a company with a massive debt obligation because you paid way more than it was worth is a funny way to “save a company from bankruptcy”.

The proposed agreement also stipulates that Jeep denies any admission of liability or wrongdoing.

Sure, make the tractor handle even worse than how the factory designed it.  Great decision. /s. 

Why the focused fascination on every single EV fire? There aren’t enough gas car fires to report on, from loose hose clamps on a myriad of fuel lines going every which way to injector o-rings leaking to overheating electro-mechanical cruise control system peripherals to burn your garage down?

Looking at the peak base of +240 inches on Mammoth Mountian Ski Area in California, where I recently experienced some of the best skiing in my life, it’s all there.

How about yes to the first part and no to the second part.

Musk’s lawyers have so far argued that when he said “Funding secured”, he didn’t mean “Funding secured”, he meant... “I have some idea of where funding might come from maybe if we were doing this, which maybe we are but probably not and also I’m irresponsible and reckless so you shouldn’t pay attention to anything I

They wasted time on fuel cells while everyone else simply took the more simple battery route.  It’s that simple.  

The Stargate teams are trying to set a civilized example after all, no reckless cowboying throughout either galaxy. 

Obviously, Momoa regrets the first time he had to leave Atlantis, and he just wants to get back there forever.

I love how people say things like “there are still the dirty parts about EV’s no one wants to talk about” when literally every article and comment thread about EVs is chock full of misinformation about how batteries can’t be recycled (they can), or how lithium and rare earth mining is uniquely harmful (it isn’t), or

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The Bionic Man was from a lifting body. I thought it was one of the X planes but a quick Google tells me it was the Northrop M2-F2.