Rick Cavaretti

Good.  Fuck Texas.

Their whole “companies are a person” thing is really back firing against republicans now. There are some very slim silver linings to the Citizens United ruling.

Republicans like Abbott willingly believe their own horseshit because I think it’s actually FUN for them. Countering intelligence seems to be a genuine game these pricks enjoy playing because it gives them purpose and seemingly, results in a great chance of success. Throw some shit and see what sticks!

And, of course, the way the US political system is set up, Greg Abbott, who is a FLAGRANT repeat offender of violating the constitution, will suffer absolutely no consequences for his part in this. Nor will anyone else who helped it along.

Easy fix don't serve Texas. Pretty easy. Texas is making a portion of their population to leave for medical treatment. There is no reason Texas actually needs internet companies. 

Can we sell Texas back to Mexico?

Perhaps the tech companies who’ve fled to Texas are going to discover that you pay for what you get.

TikTok is and will continue to be a platform for narcissistic teenagers.  Don’t give it any attention or credence past that. 

The intelligence level required for operation is about right for those involved.

So, we’re still wasting money maintaining a prison facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba where we store “terrorists.”
I’d say it’s well past time for Y’all Qaeda to get sent there for a life-long beach vacation.

Yes. I did receive your TikTok.  Unfortunately twerking is not a skill set we are seeking. 

When they say they found a notebook it was actually an Etch-a-sketch. 

Way too many things, to suck away way too much of your time.  And none of it will mean anything just a little time down the road.

What a damn shame. 

I take genuine pleasure in their suffering.

poor Torbs... the reason trump went to rumble is they’re sharing 40% of their revenue with him and agreed to ‘mute’ any negative responses to his bullshit.

f’n cowards...

So, to manage having to many things on your phone you have to use yet another thing to manage the rest of the things. Hmmm. . .