Rick Cavaretti

Google?  Really?  Shocked. 

There goes grandpa’s refrigerator magnet collection. 

Engineers found structural problems with the building in 2018.

A report on the structure from around 2018 already exists. It goes something like this:

Florida, in addition to those other states named taking a step backwards, need to be placed in some form of receivership for bad management. The minority ruling stranglehold is ruining the lives of the majority population.

I would also wait till the experts’ conclusions. OTOH if it indeed climate change was a factor then I’m afraid America has it coming. All of her.

I, for one, will not be surprised when Ron DeSantis signs into law the “Don’t Blame Rising Sea Levels On Human Caused Global Climate Change” Act that will put anyone in jail for mentioning this and give immunity to wingnuts who commit crimes against anyone who does.

Good job Canada. If you want a civil society, there’s no room for the hateful and violent. 

Canada already has hate speech legislation. So ‘hate’ is already a well defined category. This is an expansion of existing laws on hate speech into the digital space. Also, let’s not forget that it would have to be proven in court that you did commit a hate crime - the punishment for said crime would be a fine. So no,

If Canada makes ‘Liberals’ a protected class in terms of including them in the class of person or group on the basis of a prohibited ground of discrimination’ then sure.

But political parties or even individual politicians aren’t included, so it’s literally nothing like communist China’s treatment of Hong Kong.


Canada’s Attorney General David Lametti assured Canadians that the proposed law would not target “simple expressions of dislike or disdain” during a virtual press conference on Wednesday that was livestreamed...

Maybe. I will say that on Twitter it often feels nearly impossible to get rid of transphobes, anti-Muslim hate speech, a lot of antisemitism, and some pretty horrible stuff. On the other hand, people regularly get banned and fired for supporting Palestine. The winds seem to be turning after the latest massacre against

It’s admirable they’re taking action on actual public problems rather than the southernmost province (aka USA) but I think exempting platforms from any liability is a mistake. Platforms are profiting from this hate, they should habe to invest in solutions not just shift all risk and blame to haters.

Fining people for this kinda stuff is the only way people learn. Good job Canada.

Paraphrasing something I read earlier on this issue:  Collective bargaining is what the common people adopted as a means to work out a better and more amicable deal with the employer. Before that civilized practice came into being, a crowd of angry workers armed with pitchforks and such would march down to the

If outright automation is part of the race to the bottom in constant cost cutting, then it’ll give the same end result when we get there. Throngs of angry unemployed people without resources to utilize and take part in the supposedly consumerist economy, ultimately leading to the failure of the corporations themselves

We get told that about absolutely everything involving labor rights. And it never works out that way.

i can actually help you with a guide to settle all future issues around this!

Wait….so does this mean Bezos actually works for The Mafia or that The Mafia is picking a fight with him so maybe he will?

Jeff Bezos has called up that which even he cannot put down: the needs of the workers to earn a living wage and experience humane working conditions. I look forward to seeing him and the entirety of the would-be slave-masters thoroughly humbled, very soon...