Rick Cavaretti


Republicans: “Man can’t possibly affect the climate”

Divorce is part of those good, wholesome conservative values. Gets you a barely legal-age trophy wife the second time around.

Open carry gun laws, restrictive voting laws, a wall…but nothing helping residents.  Texas needs to be placed under receivership to correct the problems these idiots are creating. 

They should’ve added that /s

Yup. Schools also generally require vaccination records in exactly this way.

Are you OK? 

I’m glad.  Now patients can stop coming back to us to request new cards because they can’t find their card.  

Why are so many people behaving like they’ve never been vaccinated for anything before? Of course you need a secure way to share the proof, and we’ve been doing that for decades already. Pediatricians share their baby vaccine information with the primary care physicians that people choose as adults. That’s normal. In

78 degrees? Mine is set on 80 all day and we lower it in the evenings. It still runs quite a bit in the day even set on 80.

My state just notified us we are now part of the state vaccinations registry because we got our vaccination.

Can blue states grow a pair and stand up for their sensible policies? It’s a passport for arena events. Full stop. You want to see Billie Eilish at the Staples Center or whatever, prove you got your shots. Call it what it is, and if the white nationalists show up with guns at the Sacramento state house, shoot them


This isn’t an American thing, this is a stupid fucking Texas thing lol.

Texans: “Don’t mess with us, we’re the toughest people in the world and pride ourselves on self-reliance.”

It’s been a glorious quarter-century living under the enlightened, complete and total rule of the Republicans here in Texas. We are fast on our way to becoming Somalia.

Looks like it, and also they put a bunch of assholes in charge of their electricity AND government.  Really fucked themselves pretty good.

You’re making his point for him.

Id be swapping out the smart thermostat, for a good old fashioned stupid 1....
Screw Texas and the idiots in charge of the power grid.

Somewhere in Texas a couple is having a bitter, heated argument about the thermostat right now. Might cause a divorce.