Rick Cavaretti

My pop up lights are low to the ground they would scratch the bottom of your sneakers if I ran into you.

Those are conservatives and other throwbacks. They don’t represent real Americans. 

You got a problem with tackling the problems of civilization?

Maybe it’s time for all those exemptions to go away.  All of them, safety to emissions to fuel economy.  Also, apply the gas guzzler tax and lift the stupid IRS business depreciation rules.  For starters….

Will people ever have a social conscience?

Because the size of trucks has become dangerous in every single way.

Trucks have a lot, and I do mean a lot, of exemptions. It’s why they are so profitable.

I dont get it. Why are you murricans so terribly insecure that you have to haul around your boatloads of guns in humongous ass trucks that look like tanks? Makes you seem like some really soft pussies.

Ask yourself that 

it does feel nice to drive something larger

Do you really need to complain? 

The idea that they’re nicer to drive baffles me. Large SUVs and trucks drive/park like boats, and I hate dealing with them. I will never understand why anyone would want them, if they’re not doing work. 

Driving a 3-ton battering ram as a daily driver but with no real need for a truck.  That’s freedumb.

Which takes more time, makes more noise and is a functional liability in the art of thriving if it’s a required tool.

What do you expect?  You expose all of your mechanicals by design, with that high riding height.  You’re making it easy to steal parts.

Makes me glad my JDM downpipe is in the worst location for them to steal. not to mention they would set off every alarm and have a hell of a time getting it high enough. I would say steal more bro truck shit but the probably deleted all their shit anyways.

The Sackler Family, as the executives of Purdue Pharma, in the late 90's, early 00's basically set out an army of sleazy sales people to push OxyContin (a HIGHLY addictive Opiod) out on the masses of people who had chronic pain. Turns out they all got addicted to it, their prescriptions ran out, realized that Heroin

The Sacklers founded Purdue Pharma and are generally touted as the reason people are addicted to Opiods, because they pushed them so hard on the general public. These Hooligans are trying to get their fix...

Notice they target the tall lifted vehicles for ease of extraction. 

Texas plains. The apocalyptic post power grid failure landscape.