Rick Cavaretti

It’s Florida. They’re still not taking it seriously and they’re still cooking the numbers.

“Florida Man Attends Bitcoin Conference, Contracts COVID-19"

That heat they feel?  It’s not the graphics cards working overtime, it’s their body temp rising.  

At this point they are doing it to themselves. I feel no remorse for these idiots.

And Florida, don’t forget Florida. Then Venn diagram of the three demographics is an almost perfect circle.

Perhaps the founding father types were wrong about ‘tests’ for the eligibility to vote? Right now we have some truly stupid people voting. Carlin was right.

What stupid motherfuckers voted for this moron?

Why in these situations where Republicans are saying stupid shit like this doesn’t anyone just reply “Are you fucking serious?”

Just imagine the intellectual level of people electing him. Scary!

So you caved to Sidewalk?  Very disappointing.  Don’t be an enabler.

What do you think the whole point of the article is? It’s not to say these guys broke the law or should go to jail. It is to say the system is broken and the law needs to be changed because it is unjust that people earning billions are paying less in taxes than the rest of us. Is that not clear from the article?

We’re trying to change the laws, but the lobbying that the billionaire class does to prevent those laws from changing is hard to overcome. It’s almost like this isn’t as fucking simple as the bullshit “they’re not breaking the law” mentality that idiots like you routinely have.

But with an increase in taxes, we could probably build some things that everyone can use to make their lives better.

I mean, it’s meant to be a bigger demonstration of the screwed up system than it is a personal attack on Musk.

Sadly, I think that ultimately the rich are going to jump onto the end-run on democracy the Republicans are currently engineering, and install a “competent Trumpite” in 2024 who will ensure that a far right administration with full military control and militias instilling fear in the populace, will tamp down any

Taxing wealth isn’t stopping murder. It’s not an end in and of itself. It’s a means to an end of getting revenue for government spending, spending that can be used to mitigate inequality.

is anyone shocked?  we dont need new tax laws.  we just need to do something to clean up our ridiculous tax code.  we have the most complicated tax system in the world.  so many loopholes and exclusions.  we need to cut about 10% of the bullshit out. 

It’s a lack of understanding how the system works that causes people to think what people like Musk or Trump is doing is admirable. Cause they’re just playing the game, yo.

Except what they do and how they profit absolutely effects everyone else, not only because they’re robbing us of money that should be going to the

Uh, no, that’s not how it works. You do realize that taxes and their codes have existed longer than our actual democracy, right? We didn’t invent them from whole cloth, we largely took all the disparate tax systems in the union (“we” being the non-elected leaders of the colonies) and kept the bits that we could agree

Even Buffet has that line about “wanting to pay more tax” and being supportive of higher taxes for the rich. Meanwhile he continues to not pay more, cause he doesn’t have to. (I think Gates has said this too)