Rick Cavaretti

Extinction through Darwinism can’t come soon enough to these backwards fucks.

Ted Cruz as the sad pathetic spokesperson of Humungus’ who tried to catch a razor edged boomerang and then lost his fingers.

Where are you getting the figure that the state consumes 4 times more than it produces in state? https://www.energy.gov/sites/prod/files/2016/09/f33/NY_Energy%20Sector%20Risk%20Profile_0.pdf

Hang on, conservatives are blaming Democrats because a private company didn’t secure their networks? Even when Trump was in power and had the chance to sort out the cyber but didn’t?

Seeing how people reacted to this just confirms my suspicion that Mad Max is the most accurate representation of our potentially apocalyptic future.

At least you can’t pump electricity into a plastic bag.

I blame Conservative news. The story was blown up to hurt Biden.

That upright seated position thing is overrated.  

Tesla’s replacement is trivial too. You just take off a plastic cover that is held down with clips, not screws. The Chevy volt has the battery under the cargo in the hatch, that is far far worse as you have to remove anything you store to get to it. The volt also doesn’t charge the 12v from the main one when parked,

Got my vote.

As we derive a substantial amount of power through hydro, I severely doubt anyone has made such a statement. 

The problem will solve itself if you require that oil/gas/coal electricity all be 100% offset with CCS. Either they’ll figure out how to do that really cheaply and competitively, which would be good in of itself since it means we could likely borrow some of that tech to do air capture. Or they won’t, and

Boast away, that is an impressive accomplishment to be proud of.

We have half the government actively fighting against any clean renewable energy here in the US so that holds up back.  Believe me, this isn’t even a done deal, there will be major push back for this windfarm.

The turbines for Cape Wind were going to barely visible from shore. 

HOLY SHIT. I didn’t realise how far behind the US was!

We found the Jan 6'er.

I wish I was rich and owned a coast.  Id be all for this.  I think those things look cool.  Id rather see them than the rusted out container ships youre going to see anyway.

Please, oh please put it in full view of a Trump property.

I know the Florida coast is not a great place for wind power, but I’d put in some money for a giant wind farm as close to Mar-a-Lago as possible. And maybe some land-based wind turbines to boot