Rick Cavaretti

I have no memory of the Ferrari 288 racing n any official capacity or series.

You call yourselves auto enthusiasts and yet not a single Italian car among any of you. 

That analysis isn’t quite right on the origins. WW2 we did stir up some nationalism to get people to do their part at home, but it’s the Cold War jingoism where things went awry there.

Anyways, our fascism dates back to the death of Reconstruction and the southern anger at losing and money lost from slavery. People

It had a decent balancing in ethics through legislature that came with the country’s founding as well as the Bill of Rights, but over time was slowly being dismantled since our involvement in WW2 at least as we embraced nationalism(key to starting authoritarianism/fascism), and the “pursuit of democracy” was killed

You evangelical types are fruit loops. 

Particularly since the average insolation on Mars is less than half what we get on earth. Even under ideal condition that tiny panel is sipping photons though a straw, this is really very impressive energy management by the Ingenuity team.

We’re surrounded by idiot meth-laden Chimp Gains impersonators; who incompetently attempt a coup-d'etat via a meth-out insurrection; only to steal a lectern. I am so ashamed of my slave inherited country.

When you vote Republican, you get fascism. 

No, mostly the last four years were treacherous. 

Not logical. Google depends upon advertising and selling data…that’s their business model. If they attempt anything similar to Apple, they’ll see to it that they and only they can benefit from it, scavenging all remaining ‘business’ data from others and keeping it for themselves.

That’s more than a bit hyperbolic. Mobile carriers know what cell phone towers you connect to and can figure out your general location. They also can monitor which IP addresses you visit, which you can obscure with a VPN or proxy.

Yes, in launcher, hold Facebook icon for a moment, a menu will pop-up. Choose uninstall. Enjoy.

Even though Google says they’re introducing it, I would take that with a serious grain of salt.

I seriously doubt that if they are complaining that Apple’s version will hurt their bottom line.

Google is an advertising company, I can’t see them adding something that defeats advertising.

Oh shut up. My family is entirely entrepreneurs/small business owners and I can honestly say that while online/social maketing is important and can pay off, we’ve never ever seen a positive return on an ad campaign run through the trash heap that is Facebook. Most people will continue to do what they have for

Considering google is on facebook side? No.

Apple’s feature will devastate small businesses that rely on its ad targeting services and warning that many free sites may have to start charging users money for subscriptions or in-app purchases

No, there aren’t similar features for Android users. It would be against the purpose of the platform.

Always keep in mind that Android was made to get information about you, to track you, and to help serve you ads. You are Google’s product - their customers are the one buying the ads across all their product ranges.


In an atmosphere as thick as earth’s those high speed blades would have produced a sound in the kHz range.  But on Mars, under a 100 Hz.  So cool.