Rick Cavaretti

It’s not hard to behave like a civilized adult for just a few hours. It’s not a lot to ask. 

Zero tolerance for harmful behavior. You don’t get to be a dick, as asshole, a rebel, a thinker, a non-sheeple or whatever feeble excuse you can come up with. The rules are in place for a reason. We’re in the middle of a fucking human being killing pandemic. Comply.

Is it too much to ask for a sequel film “Dicks on a Plane” with Samuel L Jackson kicking their asses?

I mean you’re not totally wrong, but $9K + is a lot of money for pretty much everybody. Sure, a few folks can swing it without a sweat but that’s a pretty small population, and generally the billionaires I know aren’t flying Southwest anyway.

We need more consequences of bad actions in the world.

But they could have put the mask on and not been fined at all. Don’t miss that fact.

If you’re a dick on a plane, there should be like a five-year ban from flying at all.

It is unfortunate that our fine/penalty/legal system is so regressive.


My new Whirlpool gas stove requires electricity to run. The gas valves are interlocked and are electro-mechanical. When there’s a power failure, they snap closed.

This is one of the (many) things that makes me mad about living in FL. It’s goddamn sunny nearly every day, but next to no buildings have solar panels. They should be on every rooftop! Build some awnings with with solar panels in every parking lot! Then suddenly every parking lot is a solar farm with shaded parking.

The irony here is that “good” capitalists would follow the market and all of these companies absolutely have the means to do so. They have so much disposable cash they could put it all into renewables and beat out any newcomers when the market inevitably shifts. It’s not that they’re tethered to a sinking ship; they

The continuous areas of woodland were already there, making them as you said, ‘previously continuous’. 

Not really. 

Agreed. Beating the shit outta Carlson is totally worth the assault charge.

“This is a shell game,” said Sue Ely, a staff attorney at Natural Resources Council of Maine. “It’s not renewable energy, it doesn’t help Maine’s renewable energy industry, and it’s very damaging to Maine’s environment.”

You do misunderstand this; hydropower comes from damming rivers and letting the water from the resulting reservoir flow through turbines in the dam creating electricity. It all relies on gravity and altitude differences. You can’t just . . . make hydropower from the Atlantic ocean. There is tidal power, but that is

If you find yourself on the same side of an issue as Tucker Carlson, take a step back, look in the mirror, and reevaluate your life choices.

The Right Wing: Fuck everything unless I care about it.