Rick Cavaretti

It does. 

2015 Fiat 500e. Purchased at 19,200 miles. Just turned over 60,000 this past Saturday. I’ve been meticulously recording battery percentages and miles driven between the same A to B points I drive frequently. Any ‘losses’ I’m seeing at this point in my data can just be attributed to my driving style changing a

Just like on a computer when it says you have 250GB of space. Well 50GB of that is used up on the operating system and thing you need for a computer to be a computer. So you don’t actually have all 250GB of space. Maybe the same principle applies here.

I don’t use the term ‘compliance’, as many people use it in a derogatory manner.  I refer to them as the Gen One city/commuter EVs.  Cheap to buy and run, and very real, unlike vapor ware.  

All devices with lithium batteries do that, not just EVs. When you’re at 100% displayed, I guarantee you’re somewhere under.  Same on the bottom end.  Battery management electronics will never let a battery completely discharge. 

There’s more people in a holding pattern, in a ‘let’s see what happens’. I’m one of them. If the next step from FB is to grant leniency to the fascist, I’m done.

Most modern battery management systems do this automatically, so the reported range already reflects reserving the top and bottom 15-20%. While it’s true that doing it yourself on top of the BMS will improve battery life further, it’s a case of diminishing returns and not something that’ll really affect most people.

Yup. Guy attempted to overthrow his government. He should be swinging from a gallows right now.

Most newer EVs just let you set a percentage and have some sort of guidance in terms of when you should go to 100%.

As long as you’re not leaving the vehicle at 100% for a long period of time, the effect on battery life should be minimal.

I want him to stay banned. He crossed a line that can't be uncrossed.  This isn't a first amendment issue.

Just make the jump to a holographic projection or better yet, an ocular implant.

Not really. More screen real estate, like a tablet, in the same smaller size of a phone.  The evolution is natural.

This sounds very much like a solution in search of a problem.

Or the corporations can simply expect less profit.  That works too. 

In case you haven’t noticed, and obviously you haven’t, prices have gone up for decades but wages have not kept up.

The fact that workers left your industry and don’t want to come back should be a wake up call about your compensation and work environment, not a reason to wring your hands and blame a “driver shortage”.

Be willing to hire someone willing to learn and teach them, then. Don’t ask for someone that knows how to do it but only want to pay them $40K a year. I’ll do anything, but if I don’t know how to do it, I’m willing to learn. You need to be willing to teach.

Pay more, train more. The amount of corporations who complain about a shortage of this staff, or that staff, and you ask them about their training schemes and they just shrug. It costs money to learn stuff, not just the money to pay for tuition and training, but money to fund all the regular living costs you still

Saw the perfect saying this morning: