Rick Cavaretti

Not that long.  My Ipad Pro was delivered on Wednesday.

Arson, combined with a murder. How wonderful.

Put me down for a IPad Air (replaces near ancient 3rd gen IPad) and a IPad Pro for the musician in the family, which replaced another 3rd-gener. Oh yeah, she got a apple watch, which still puzzles me, as I’ve never worn a watch in my life.

Nope. Plain necessity. One iPad Air and an IPad Pro for us. 

“But the fact that the iPhone, which is Apple’s revenue linchpin (accounting for more than half of the company’s sales), still sells like hotcakes is just plain wild.”

How often do you find yourself walking into a federal building, requiring the proper ID? As for any air travel, I always have my passport with me. I’ve found it ID’s me as a serious traveler and some airline agents will reward that.

No words to describe this nonsense. 

This might be a big deal, or it might be a nothingburger—because a little DDT isn’t a big deal, while a lot is a big problem.

“The Colorado River is the West’s most important water source, suppling Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming with freshwater for drinking and agriculture. It also serves communities in Mexico as well. More than 40 million people and millions of acres of farmland rely on the river.”

SoCal resident here.

And yet, the surest way to turn many of those states blood-blood red all over again is to tell the ‘middle-ish’ voters that they’ll have to make sacrifices. President Carter told Americans the same thing decades ago...and Reagan, the hate-fueled, racist sleaze ball, soundly trounced him the following election.

The entire south west. Growing up in Orange County, the wasted water on “pretty green” is dizzying. The HOA my parents live under require a green, real lawn (if you put enough $$ into it, you could put in a low-water, native plant yard, but you are going to have to fight to keep it). My parents were fined because the

All water rationing should be the baseline; additional water should be allocated on an availability basis, but the standard should be water restrictions.