Rick Cavaretti

That’s a grisly tale.  I did expect death sooner than 2-3 minutes at those temperatures.

Another example.  Self driving at any level is not ready. 

That’s one hell of a car wash.  Really curious what the pH of the water is, not it matters too much as far as total damage to the car anyway.  It’s scrap.


Anyone check the trash or local dump?

Perfect gorgeous lines that you can only get in an Italian mistress.  

I was expecting an image ripped out of a thermodynamics chapter of a physics textbook as an example. The bigger picture issue is that in a warming world, the air conditioner will actually be the death of us:

Absolutely.  A surplus of crap means that crap should be priced at almost worthless levels of monetary units.  

In the here and now, let’s tax all overweight suvs and trucks.  Weight and emissions tables for the most wasteful vehicles on the roads.

I’m OK with 1950s level of corporate taxation, and no posts alluding to ‘no one ever paid that’. Corporations were also OK with 2% yearly profit in those days.

The extra $200 easily exceeds the amount of gas taxes one would pay in one year. Let’s me clear, it’s Texas, and they’re trying to send a political message.

Hey Elon, remember the ‘go fuck yourselves’ statement to your advertising customers? They listened, they left, you lost business, stop crying.

That 124 looks modified externally, which may translate to other mods, which is great. Those middle years were anemic from emissions regulations, not befitting of the Lampredi twincam that conquered so many in WRC. Convert the internals to euro stock the moment you have a chance. Better drivability, more power, even

Speaking of sperm, Elon’s father should have pulled out early.  Oh wait, he did...

A hearse. Finality in mobile comfort.

Mach 5 would have been better.

Jesus.  Just heat gun the emblem and pull it off.  I’ve done this in the past with a few cars.

It simply needed its own name with no pandering to a past product.  I suppose ‘Mach 5' is trademarked or something?

But but but then the car doesn’t match that whole “numbers matching, paint code, it shipped with coconut floor mats” thing that makes it so unique.  Yes, thinly veiled sarcasm at what makes American cars collectible.

A little too much power, a little too much enthusiasm, and a really narrow path.  The gods were against you.