Rick Cavaretti

I call it the Al Capone maneuver.  They should have tried the same thing on Trump and fans.

Actually, not the 70s. It was a later addendum to the Southern Strategy. The RNC knew demographically, it was going to lose voters numbers in the near future. They decided to make abortion an issue and bring the evangelicals on into their circle of hell. This got Reagan elected. The point is, before that time period,

Fix the problem permanently, remove him. And the other Alito.

You answered your own question with your second sentence.

The Cruze was not heavier.  

That’s the wonderful thing about always progressing battery technology, which makes your thought a moot point. Batteries keep getting more energy dense, meaning the same physical space will hold batteries capable of going more and more distance. That’s progress and technology.

They do contradict themselves.  “I need a lot of range, but I barely plug in because I only drive the US average of 17 miles one way a day”.  

It falls under the category of an etcetterini, being a variant of any 1960s-1970s Fiat. It’s very possible at this point, if you owned this car, it would be quite unique and different to any similar models.

Florida?  Or Texas?  It’s normal.

There’s always one of you.

Plenty of great sedans and coupes made for other markets. There’s hope someone will bring them in instead of serving us the past-use-by date current automotive formulas.

Wonderful.  Ever larger pieces of shit clogging the roadways and putting your safety at risk.  

That should be the first course of any action.  

No one said they can’t be reached. This is like being at a gas station with the idiot who keeps clicking the pump to get a few drops in at a time, when the gas pump mechanism is auto-shutting off because it senses the tank is already full by definition. Should have disconnected the pump when it clicked off the first

Luckily, my genetics allowed me to spatially efficient.  I can fit easily into all manner of interesting sports cars and not be excluded from the opportunity.  

Even the aliens are angry.  They focused the brunt of their invasion on destroying this eyesore.  Thank you reptilian overlords. 

This bozo is complaining about competition?  The EV market is going to be tough because he has competitors?  What dude, you want the market handed to you, no sweat or tears involved?

Death Valley. Look closely at that name. It’s trying to tell you something.  Short of a few locations in north Africa or the Middle East, it’s hell on earth.

A McDonald’s surrounded by barbed wire. There’s a first for everything.

Clearly, someone you’d be proud to take home.