What if Thea is the side piece?
What if Thea is the side piece?
I think they just expect us to suspend our disbelief. Which is why they mention that he hasn't been killing every chance they get.
The woman Darkh killed a few episodes ago mentioned his "partner".
He was made A Bratva on the island by Anatoly Knyazev whom he saved from Anthony Ivo in Season 2. Still doesn't explain why he speaks fluent Russian though.
The only time the flashbacks worked was in season 2. Especially with the overlapping Slade fights.
Especially with his mystery phone call.
They are magic non-lethal arrows. Cisco from The Flash made them. Which is weird because team Flash has been killing bad guys this year.
He was senile crazy Ra's who had too many Lazurus Pit baths. His plan was stupid and he was surrounded by people who were too scared to call him on it.
A shitty DJ who is also a shitty evil ninja.
The only time they had purpose was last week to explain why Constantine owed him a solid.
Hopefully Hawkman and Hawkgirl actually have story arcs on the shows they are on. Not just the "hey we are here for an episode but after that we are going to fuck off" stuff they have been doing.
Ray was never actually dead. Hell when he blew up last season I laughed because I knew he wasn't dead but tiny. Sara was 100% only brought back because of the spin-off.
Diggle is in his 40's…. I don't want to lose Captain Lance either because the scenes of him and Darhk in a scenery chewing battle are amazing.
He isn't like Iron Man anymore because he shrinks. He is also not Ant-man because the Atom was created first.
Mitt Romney!
The House That Drips Blood on Alex and The Tommy Wi-show are amazing. Check those out.
Flee in terror from Wiseau's ass in 3D!
Yeah i'm pretty sure he is back.
It has 5 seasons and the second half of said season airs next summer. So yeah AMC has no idea why they gave it a fifth season and have to dump the second half 16 months after the first half.