Rick Bastardly

Orange is the New Black and that is it state side. She also did some stuff in Australia but no one cares about that.

Didn't realize intestines were located in the chest.

4 episodes in and they drop the budget which causes us to get episodes like this.

Yeah my first thought was that they looked like the Tarman.

They got a new show runner in Season 4 and there are usually a few new writers each season.

He was letting them know that Rick's plan would have worked if it wasn't for the Wolves invading. He was trying to take some heat off of Rick.

He was last seen in the infirmary during the Wolves attack. Aaron told him to stay there and guard it.

Arthur Light does exist in this universe though. He was fired by Star Labs for being an insane creep.

I'm so erect right now.

Also my theory.

It so totally is.

Hey we lost him but we did gain Powers Booth so it was a fine trade.

Coulson hardly trust anyone. With all of the things he has had to do for SHIELD and Fury have made it hard for him to trust others. Sure he trusts a few people in his circle but that is it.

Wouldn't that make her more of an anti-hero though? She believes what she is doing is a good thing even if the morality of it is a bit shaky and part of what she does is out of fear. Yet at the end of the day she is still a somewhat good person who thinks she is helping people.

They will be losing her and Nick Blood next year if their spin-off happens.

To be fair this comments section sometimes has some bat shit crazy theories.

Agents of Shield: Nights.

He is an original character.

Though Galavan may not be the best character James Frain is still great. He is so good at being a smarmy asshole. He plays the character like a snake oil salesman and the stupid people of Gotham are just drinking it up. This whole plan to kill a 14 year old boy is super stupid though.

When Gotham is in ashes then Penguin will have Fox's permission to die.