Rick Bastardly

Nope Hawkeye is gonna be in Ant Man and The Wasp.

They are saving the res of the Vigilante story for next season. He was just in this season to make us think he was Chase.

Yeah and not just the tired Sam and Diane thing like in Cheers.

AIDA is human now which means she probably has a soul. Now that she has gone evil Ghost Rider can burn her soul.

His intense cocaine addiction was part of it. He also hasn't had a career revitalizing movie yet. Also the fact that I keep mixing him up with Kevin Costner.

You have to exist to die. Unless they are talking about the concept of a God being dead in modern society. I can confirm that this is not the case otherwise dumb fucking movies like this wouldn't exist.

Someone needs to kick Archie's ass. Hopefully Reggie can come through in the clutch and punch him again.

Then he leaves to meet the Power Rangers at the Krispy Kreme.


Still can't decide if that is the worst or best product placement of all time. Could go either way.

That would involve convincing him to quit a hit network tv show. I don't see that happening.

AKA Dr, Love. Comics are silly.

What if he starts talking to Bill Cosby as Ghost Dad.

Cisco should be team lead he is way better at it than Barry. He actually had a strategy and used his teammates abilities in the perfect way.

I think he is dead and The Eye has been pretending to be him,

I have some bad news.

I somehow made it through season 2. Not sure how, but I did.

Nah plenty of episodes of Gotham are way worse. Like The Balloonman. *shudder* The only difference is that Gotham is aware of how dumb it can be and rolls with it.

Savitar is a speedster he could just grab her wherever she is regardless of what Earth she is on. If my theory about his identity is correct then Savitar will always know what Team Flash plans. He clearly knows these people and how they think. The wildcard here is HR. Savitar assumes he will be cowardly since he knows

Also have Dean Cain in that crossover.