Rick Bastardly

That's been a huge problem on the site in general. The worst is the Walking Dead reviews where I start to question if they even watch at all.

He was an original character though so it's possible.

All valid points.. Not even gonna hate.

No the crime took place in Luverne at the waffle place. The judge and the Gerhardt's are what ties it to Fargo.

It's probably going to be like Jonestown.

I got the vibe as well. Just bought the box set of that and Skip was very much like that.

Ronald Reagan.

He is great in everything even things that suck.

Waiting for death.

He is in the movie Black Dynamite as Black Hand Jack. haha His last big role before Fargo was in Ray. Other then that he has been in a few crappy movies like Devil, The Host, Total Recall, and Jarhead 2.

Is that by choice?

Hopefully that means we get Machine Man on the show. It's never going to happen but let me dream.

You can't put a Marvel character into A DC show because the universe would explode.

I would have.

After 14 years alone on a planet and filled with adrenaline from trying to launch something into a portal I would have hit that too. She was also into it because fucking is a two way street. Just because you don't get it doesn't mean it's bad.

It'll still better than the master plan to kill a 13 year old boy on Gotham.

I'm mostly curious who this mystery person that Damian Darkh is working with. The woman he killed hinted at it but they never said who.

The main reason that don't talk about that stuff is because it would get boring really quickly.

It will probably be either Heath of Deanna.

Rick isn't taking any chances and he would just execute him. He is done talking and arguing.