Rick Bastardly

or an episode of The Following, or Extremely Loud, and Incredibly Close, or Human Centipede 3, or Jonah Hex or the Dexter Finale. The lest could go on for A while.

I used some of my tax return money.

Eh finished the pilot and it was okay and I enjoyed riffing it. That being said I want to watch all of these kids die. They mentioned Hannibal though which pissed me off. Does this show think it is that good? It isn't.

It's A bit played out and i'm surprised that they didn't use it since this show is just one big cliche that thinks it's being hip.

The killer was pretending to be someone else so texting makes sense for that scene. Not defending this shitty show in any way though just an observation.

One of the dudes looks A bit like James Franco and it's bugging the shit out of me!

Watching it now and it's pretty awful. They didn't even try to make A laughably bad show.

They are actually cousins not brothers but they do look some what alike.

They are still in the vindaloop from the oculus rift episode is my theory.


He still gets his ass kicked A lot in his main solo series especially during the Court of the Owls arc.

I always assumed it was the half asleep on the couch stoner crowd that kept this show alive.

She could have meant no other projects.

He tried killing him once and it didn't work so he thought of a better way this time. It also means more Manu Bennett in the future which is always great.

Kind of like what they did after Spider-man 3? That movie was fucking awful.

I found it funny that the diner was having A special of on White Russians.

So is like 90% of the world.

If he grew wings and started flying that would be amazing.

The they is probably the government. Deathstroke is the nickname that ARGUS gave him.

I would start with the miniseries The Longbow Hunters which in my opinion is the best GA story, and it sets up the outstanding 80 issue Mike Grell run.