
Gah, beat me too it. I searched the page for "machinae", but forgot to expand replies. I love this band so, so much.

Sure thing. I used Option 3, one of the basic profiles.

It's in Settings—>Applications—>Development. "Stop app via long-press"

Agreed. I have Moto Droid 1 with CM7 nightlies, Chevy's ULV 1200Mhz kernel, and running the V6 SuperCharger memory optimization script. I get great battery life, it doesn't overheat, and everything is silky smooth.

To be fair the top Featured post beat me with the idea, but I think we all thought the same thing.

I just got my new plates.

At 1:15 she looks like Trollguy.

Stopping distance increases exponentially as speed increases. I remember learning about this in Physics. We didn't believe the teacher, until we graphed it out.

What if she said no, and the third picture is the ensuing melee?

Well, it's not new, but SC:CT was awesome. DA was ok, but they did a bad job porting it from the console.

I always do this in Splinter Cell. I like grabbing them, dragging them alive to the pile of bodies (so he know's what's coming), and choke him out on top of them. Then other guards walk by, gasp, turn on their flashlights and walk around slowly waiting to be choked.

"Aim for the head." Oh snap, I was about to ding him in the foot. Good call.

This just looks like Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory (which I'm totally fine with, as I love the game mechanics.) Has SOCOM always been like this? I've never played. This makes me want to pick it up, though. I missed body hiding in Conviction.


Not that I agree with it, but it's illegal. This is probably because you are't consuming the content through their service, meaning they can't advertise to you.

Oh, sweet! Ezio's in this game?

Press ENTER to match speed with target! *pew* *pew*