Tacklin' fuel.
Tacklin' fuel.
Sickbeard has been around for a while (it's the TV Show equivalent to this....it even plugs into sabnzb the same way), and there still no sign of Usenet taking a serious hit.
Yup, saw the thread title and image.....and yawned.
Maybe that's why there's only one video...
How much of that was the codec, though? I was impressed.
I actually moved from Filezilla to WinSCP. In response to the review of WinSCP what "power" does Filezilla have that WinSCP doesn't?
It looks a bit like Splinter Cell's aesthetic.....which I'm fine with.
I've been using Phelix (by Phonome Labs) for many years, and it's been fantastic. It's audio fingerprint matching has been better than anything I've used. I just noticed a few weeks ago that their site has changed, so I think they closed shop.
New beta works great! The guestures are simply and useful, and I'm loving the dictionary. (Some of my own contractions were annoying to type out before.)
I think someone just took a glamour shot of the actor and photoshopped him for fun.
K, I totally interpreted that title as B:AC development being placed on hold.
Very true. Most "appified" TVs and stereos have a Pandora app, but Grooveshark hasn't hit that market yet. I was going to recommend a Roku, but they don't have one either. Go figure. You could always get an old iPhone/iPod Touch/Android Phone for cheap and leave it plugged into your stereo. :-)
What devices do you have that Grooveshark does not support?
I agree....could also be any of the previous Subjects, but since we've only really learned about #16, I think that's it.
ding ding ding
I agree that the style is similar to Arkham Asylum, but unlike AA, the flow feels choppy. I didn't like how his character "slid" into place to complete a prefabbed attack animation. In AA all of the movements naturally flowed together.
I normally buy XFX for their dual-lifetime warranty. I can overclock and mod the card without losing the warranty, and then sell it to someone else who will also have a warranty.
If the ultimate goal is to edit on the PC, then why do you want an intermediary storage buffer? Using a PC eliminates the need for an expensive (fast and large) disk.
Use VideoRedo 4 to cut out sections you want, and then use Handbrake to reencode to a better format.