Rick Allen's Left Arm

Alternative facts are de rigueuer in politics these days. You expected something different from not-Gawker?

FA is about miltary hardware and technology with only enough pokitics thrown in to explain doctrine. This article, salient as it may be, does not belong here.

Can’t tell if Putinbot, Trumpling, or troll...

“Gee, I should just jump on this website and select a suitor from hundreds of options. My life is sooooo tough.”

What? No Volksschnitzel?

If you peruse the site these days, you’ll notice that it has lost much of its tinfoil hat-ness of days gone by. He tried to legitimize by aligning with a political party, and instead alienated the core preppers and teabaggers that comprise the foundation.

Yeah, I’ll judge you wanting the genocide of every white Christian male. Trash.

Smoking the clutch into oblivion is eventful to me.

Now playing

Sticks are for fun cars. If ETs are your aim, then auto is unequivocally king.

Even purpose-built drag transmissions in lighter and lower powered cars still require frequent rebuilds. The Demon’s clutch packs are only going to last a finite amount of 9-second-caliber hard launches, especially since they’re hauling the heft of a road car as opposed to a stripped one.

It’s not going to be the first

Nobody is ever too great to get knocked down a peg.

I like the cut of your jib.


Smokey gratuitous burnouts on an AWD car.

Herp derp

This is all of the stuff that is “for offroad use only”. There’s no way the corporate lawyers are going to let them put wet noodle suspension and drag skinnies on a road car.

The tires come in the “Demon Crate”, which is their version of a track pack. It’s literally in the picture, lol. Untwist them panties a little.

This thing is going to blow more trannies than a chruch trip to Thailand.

“But now there’s a throwback to the early culture of tattoos.”

Huh, I never knew that tattoos came into existence in the late 20th century. I wonder what he’d call this: