Here in Japan I know an ethnic Japanese family that runs a hamburger restaurant that’s absolutely covered in white Americana. They even go so far as to mangle slang terms and greetings.
Here in Japan I know an ethnic Japanese family that runs a hamburger restaurant that’s absolutely covered in white Americana. They even go so far as to mangle slang terms and greetings.
So, now that you’re screaming that every act of mass violence by a white person is an act of terrorism, I’m eagerly awaiting your mea culpa for describing Micah Johnson as anything other than a terrorist.
Is your HIV+ infant sexually active?
If you live in the suburbs, then you don’t have to worry about infections like someone living in a mud hut. Leave baby’s dicks alone, let them decide what they want on their own when they’re old enough.
Thanks for robbing him of his agency over his own body instead of teaching him how safe sex works. It’s not your dick, don’t cut it up without permission.
Cool, just slap a Papa John’s logo on there. They can use all the help they can get right now, lol.
She could have just as easily been martyred for the cause by her own people. It’s hard to express how corrupt South America is at her worst.
If being “racially ambiguous” is considered a negative trait, then this community is just one step from putting on black hoods.
Sometimes the tests go poorly:
Standard hard-surface convoy speed is 35mph. There isn’t any military need to go faster. Also, massive tires and offroad suspensions don’t play well with highway speeds.
An overweight, overly complex, and under armored relic? There is absolutely no design advantage to it thanks to modern techniques.
With the exception of Tyler Rogoway’s Foxtrot Alpha, Gawker has always loathed the military. They’re simultaneously rapists, racists, sexists, and brainless pawns devoid of free thought. The military is well below national averages in almost every crime category (and some of the outliers could just as easily be…
The Nazis also hated Jews and engaged in social uplift campaigns. This shit isn’t “complicated”, he’s a disgusting hatemonger and she’s straight garbage for not casting him off at the first chance.
Separate but equal?
Don’t get tickets
CP. If you’re going that deep into the modifying, then it should have a reversed Subaru transmission in there. Unless that stock trans is beefed up he’s been babying the H6 to keep things from grenading.
Are you reducing him to only his physical features? #hypocrite
George Takei gets a pass after molesting a drunk man, but White is put through the wringer for being an asshat about appearances at public gatherings? I wonder what separates the two...