Rick Allen's Left Arm

Friends don’t let friends travel to NJ.

It looks like a Batmobile.

I heard a ZX-6R will go faster than that on a deserted highway. Not that I would know personally, mind you.

edit: I’m grey again. Thanks, Univision :’(

I’m not the least bit interested unless that power drives the rear wheels in some fashion. The only way to make high power FWD interesting is to compromise the suspension (QED FiST/FoST). I’m not paying Type R prices for a compromised anything.

edit: when did I go back to the greys? :’(

Either the agency controlling the runway sucks, or the pilot of the impacting aircraft was NASA (N/A S.A.). The fact that the other two aircraft never slowed tells me that it was the controlling agency &/or shitty procedures.

All of those huddled masses used official immigration channels. Ellis island wasn’t a tourist destination, lol.

Crashing a car into a train is natural selection in action.

Micro-dicked squids give the rest of us riders a bad name. If we’re lucky he’ll Darwin himself before reproducing.

This one felt a little flat, but still serviceably funny.
Next month (for us non-paying peons) looks like a riot.

The red blot is the tourist area, which is always terrible no matter what country you’re visiting. Zooming around the map at higher resolutions reveals pockets of higher crime spread throughout. There’s a whole host of socio-economic phenomena that make minority and low income areas prone to high crime numbers.

I was that engine last night!

Really? They’re letting him get away with that shit? I bet Custer’s team has already picked out a car they’re willing to sacrifice to punt Nemecheck high into a fence.

Amazingly, that part is easy to fix. I suggest you air your grievances with your local/state government.

I swear this democracy is failing because people are too fucking lazy to do anything but bitch about stuff on the internet. Participate in your country!

You won’t talk like that when you’re old enough to smell the fresh earth around your own grave. You’ll cling to every last vestige of youth.

If he can meet the standard, he can be on the road. If not, then at least he can enjoy being driven around a few times before he kicks the bucket.

Now playing

Funny, Muhammad Ali felt the exact same way.

“Rapid oscillation exacerbated by steering and drive wheel angle mismatches” doesn’t have quite the same ring.

I really want this to work. But, I have a dreadful suspicion that they don’t have the magic anymore. The last couple season of TG were a downward trend.

Fingers crossed