They shouldn’t touch it, IMO. That flag came tactically late.
They shouldn’t touch it, IMO. That flag came tactically late.
Dropping a v8 in an RX is about as well traveled an engine swap as there is anywhere. I doubt the seller fabbed any parts or had to find his/her own solution to any problems.
This is what I meant by race car
Will you be my Valentine?
NP for a fair-weather V8 convertible. The best performance mod for any Wankel powered car is to ditch the engine (race cars excluded).
Hitler: defeated by a slave army. Mr Troll, would you have rather watched Europe fall to fascism?
(inb4 Godwin’s law)
Debris left on the track
A master of compassion that was vehemently opposed to interracial marriage.
They go best on Roombas
(This isn’t mine, but you get the idea)
The commentariat here:
Cop lets someone get bludgeoned to death: “Cops don’t care about POCs!”
Cop shoots the attacker: “Cops are too violent towards POCs!”
But, the moment it’s you that needs help, they are your best friends.
Karma is a bitch, your time will come
While you’re whitewashing his history don’t forget that we was vehemently opposed to interracial marriage.
Uhh, Semenya QED. You’re talking about competitive levels where women practice extreme diets in search of even a few ng/dl of additional testosterone. Even testes stalled at a prepubescent stage are going to produce several times that amount. And, since she has started a mitigating program her performance has dropped…
I get the feeling that there’s a whole lot of “she was asking to get raped” people in this comment section.
They already exist, but they lack the theater of ICE cars. I have a hard time believing that they’ll ever draw the same crowds.
No, there’s a person tucked up under the loop. Peripheral vision isn’t a priority in drag racing.