Just a reminder that it doesn’t take a government entity to censor something. If they are editing something to lower the ESRB age rating, they are censoring themselves (self censorship is indeed a thing, along with many other forms of censorship).
Just a reminder that it doesn’t take a government entity to censor something. If they are editing something to lower the ESRB age rating, they are censoring themselves (self censorship is indeed a thing, along with many other forms of censorship).
I’m a woman and I thought 81$ was incredibly expensive for undergarments, then again I usually buy my matching set for like 20$, I don’t have the privilege of having lots of money to buy fancy panties and bras like some women do.
How about the stiff NON facial animations? :/ The whole thing was awkward and weird
I mean... i’ve seen better indie animated models or Source Filmaker fan movies.
I kind of wish they just took the assets/models/etc from ShenMue 1/2 and made a new game using the same style/graphics. The DC looked damn good even today
The backgrounds on this new game look TOO good, like they are spending too much time making them look good and not working on important things.
Actually i wish they used the Dreamcast models... they look better than these.
OK lets look at this on a technical spec level:
NES can only display 3 colors + transparency in an 8x8 sprite/tile at any given time. It seems the author has mostly chosen White, Red, Grey, and Black. If the background was one of these colors, we could “cheat” with the 4th but thats it. There are some minor dithering…
Its called pre-rendered sprites/backgrounds, which is all you would have to make due with during the era. Processing for realtime 3D during this time wouldn’t get you anything but VERY simple wireframes + very slow framerates
So looked it up, Apple II could do 6 color in high res mode (280×192) and 16 in low res mode (40x48), so it wasn’t as monochrome as i thought but not incredible. I guess most games used monochrome because the 6 colors are all pretty garish looking
Get Discord, it’ll solve your problems i think
Wii U Games (or were on Wii U exclusive 1st):
Zelda: BOTW
Mario Kart 8
Splatoon 1
Bayonetta 1 & 2
Super Mario 3D World
DKCR: Tropical Freeze
Smash 4
Super Mario Maker
Pikmin 3
Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker
New Super Mario/Luigi Bros U
Xenoblade X
Pokken Tournament
Hyrule Warriors
Tokyo Mirage Sessions: FE
Yoshi’s Wooly World
Nah the Wii was on the same level as GCN, just a bit better. Inside it was basically just an overclocked GCN w/ a little more RAM and some minor tweaks
What kind of Apple II did you have? Those were like monochrome no? i know some later ones like c and GS added some color, but nothing that looks this good
There were “fake” 3D NES games with like, isometric graphics and faked prerendered sprite rotations. Just think of this as faked 3D on the NES & SNES (SNES couldn’t do 3D either)
I know this, and I’ve hated the Hyper Potion’s crap since the first Mania teaser. They also performed at that ill fated Sega event, and played equally terrible music for way too long (and Im a huge chiptune fan mind you, they just SUCK). I was so happy the in-game music was done by someone else. Their garbage has no…
He said about not hiring someone because of their color/gender, which is what is usually what is being suggested by these agenda driven hiring processes. (and probably not very legal)
My only major complaint is they used Hyper Potions in this clip, and Hyper Potion once AGAIN uses 8bit chiptune for a Sonic game, which makes no freakin sense. They should of used something that sounded like the Genesis :/
Ah crap I was really looking forward to this next week :(
Yeah totally, Grandma that doesn’t identify as a gamer and only plays some facebook games Vs someone who plays a rainbow of different games and identifies as a gamer is TOTALLY the same.
Nothing. Im simply responding to your statement: “That company skips you over for a white guy because statistics matter and don’t lie with regards to the problem in the tech industry.”