
No exercise program is 100% safe; however, the percentage of safety in an arm curl is significantly higher than an olympic snatch. I'm athletic: play a variety of sports and lift weights. After a year of reading and watching form and cues from good strength & conditioning coaches for, and performing, hang cleans, I

Out of control self importance. Way out of control.

Well, on the bright side, at least Hernandez called him a "[racial slur]" and not a "nigger".

Ok, I'm glad I came to this post late so I can say want.

Anytime a guy acts slightly outside the norm females give him the label "creep", damning him to a life of loneliness. It takes time for some people to break out of their shell and some guys are never able to do this because of this male shaming language.

>All you really need is to not give us a feeling that you might secretly want to rape and kill us.

They can do other jobs. Nobody needs to be a cheerleader by trade

I'm sorry you feel that way. How is anything I said untrue?

Levi's CEO saying this probably signifies the final stage of the long, slow transition of jeans from work clothing to expensive class-signifiers. "Real denim aficionados" must not ever do anything physically taxing, or outdoors, or near animals.

Ugh. I'm in favor of uniforms for all. I went to a magnet middle school where we just wore a polo shirt with the school's logo embroidered on it (and they provided enough shirts to get each student through a week, additional shirts were available at the school store if you wanted them) and we wore slacks or khakis,

The rioters should be expelled.

She looks scrawny as all get out. Which means it won't be believable that she is kicking butt and taking names in this movie.

Don't know where you get that info (but I can guess). The NRA doesn't receive significant funding from the industry. The industry has its own lobbying group, the NSSF. The NRA receives its funding from its 4.3 million members. (who, BTW, Bloomberg has outspent in lobbying money over the past 5 years)

I'm a woman, and I'm honestly skeptical about some of these claims. I lived in NYC for twenty-five years before moving to rural NW CT. My businesses were robbed more times than I can count. In one particularly heinous incident we were robbed at gunpoint and two female employees were raped.

not really just people who dont like big government knowing they have guns, and its a view i can sort of understand

Perhaps but the answer to those problems isn't fast food. It's increased unionization, fairness in the workplace and an equal distribution of housework. My parents both worked and we always ate food that they prepared at home. It can be done with not much effort.

When I grew up in the 70's and 80's it was "be home before dark" and that was about the end of parental oversight when I went outside to play.

Those gosh darned republicans, ruining everything! It sure is a good thing we have a heroin addict to tell us who the bad guys are.

Gawker media - Hating on Police since it's inception and now glorifying convicted felons.

You're not doing it right.