
Shut the fuck up, stupid. You said blacks weren't committing the violent crimes in Atmore—-and it took me all of five minutes to prove you wrong.

Like this guy, Derek Coleman, who killed 59 year old Charles McPherson? He looks black to me...

And Atmore Alabama is more dangerous than the average city of its size.

I've seen plenty of people come out of college, or join the military, as staunch "non-racists", and change their tune after dealing with real blacks.

Not Michigan——Detroit. There are plenty of place OUTSIDE DETROIT that are booming. Why? Because white people fled Detroit after the riots, and took their tax money with them.

Hawaii's laws are about the same as Illinois', if a bit less restrictive. Chicago is the murder capital of the country, while Honolulu is relatively safe. What's the difference? BLACK PEOPLE.

Why do blacks commit more murders despite being a much smaller percentage of the population?

Nope, none of those things cause the problems with black people. "Poor gun control laws"? Are you really going to trot out that tired old untrue chestnut? Places with limited gun control and NO BLACK PEOPLE don't have violent crime issues. Vermont, Wyoming, Montana, Utah, Idaho—-and everyplace in the south that's

Well, if someone tried to start a series titled "Things Black People Are Ruining", it would have to include things like all major cities, large gatherings, movie theaters, depending on tips——oh, and the lives of all the victims(and families) of all the violent crimes they commit....

His death wasn't caused by recent steroid use, I'd wager. Either this was caused by the effects of decades of usage(cardiovascular disease), or he went on some weird stack for the TV appearance and dehydrated himself with Lasix. Extreme dehydration is a killer.

Pro wrestling isn't filled with as many steroid monsters as it used to be, but the drug problem is still gigantic. How many wrestlers have died of Soma overdoses in recent history?

He's correct on some things and off-base on others.

I hope somebody falsely accuses YOU of a crime and ruins your reputation one day, you morally bankrupt Jezebel.

Captain America is able to lift a thousand pounds(according to Marvel Wiki strength scale) and is the best hand-to-hand fighter in the Marvel Universe. He's ridiculously strong, fast, and deadly.

And you can go fuck yourself. That woman faked a hate crime and tried to frame innocent people for it.

None of it matters if Jay Leno decides he wants to get back into the game. Goodbye Fallon....

You are a fucking piece of shit. Let me get this straight——you chose to blatantly whore it up your freshman year(which is definitely your right). When girls in your dorm accurately described you as the dorm slut(which you freely admit your were), and didn't bring race into it at all, you chose to lie and accuse those

So the other girl was better looking than you, I suppose?

You can't spray down the interior of an Element. There is wiring under the plastic floor that will be damaged. You can sweep it out and go over it with a Swiffer, however.

I see what you did there.
Good job.