
In this way....

True, but that loiter time once on station...? Different story.

I mean, I’d say we have WWII in common but that’s about it. And frankly, if Hitler wouldn’t have stabbed Stalin in the back, I really doubt he’d have joined us out of a sense of moral obligation.

I mean, aside from that whole Communism thing, and it’s attempt to take over the world by any means necessary. Plus the gulags and purges and lack of a free press to this day. Also the fact that it’s run by a dictator and basically always has been. But yeah, other than that, TONS in common. Totally.

The resolution calls on all countries to inspect all cargo transiting their territory which is bound for North Korea or which originates there. So the ships will at the very least be stopped and searched in territorial waters of the ports they are trading with.

as previously stated, we can pin 100 percent of the initial Iraq quagmire on jr, but at some point Obama has to accept his own failures. it might have been impossible to produce a stable Iraqi government capable of reigning those sort of groups in. or it might have only been extremely difficult we dont know because we

and why is it exactly the reminder of the sins of Bush are supposed to absolve Obama of his own? Obama is the big man in charge now, yes he has had one hell of a mess left to clean up left by Jr but his failures are still his and his alone.

oh, and Daesh isnt the fault of the Iraq War alone although it certainly

Bending the world to the will of American interests is not at all a ‘false vision of what’s good for America’; it is in fact the most direct and clearly distilled way to ensure American prosperity and dominance. That is undeniably good for America.

They are shouting it

That is becaue you have never jumped or rappelled from a helicopter, otherwise you would clearly understand why the CH-47 is the favorite helicopter for any kind of insertion.