
Sending anything by Dhl is the single best way to ensure it never arrives at it’s destination.

Oh man, I really want you to go into specifics.

Can you actually give reference to your opinions because that’s all you’re giving

Crap and Russia is proving now that Angell was wrong, Nazi Germany proved it in WW2

You are a literal example of Dunnings Kreuger

That’s the convenient retelling that he liked to promote after WWI. If you read some of his early editorials and essays, you get a sense of what he meant before WWI. But please continue to lecture me on how I “raped his writings”.

Shh you're feeding it

Really?? Worthless?? A country with a strong GDP is a desirable target, it can be representative of the nations size and wealth. And like any wealth, there will always be those who want and will try to take it.

Conveniently ignoring historical examples because they don’t precisely fit your model is foolish. The decades leading up to WWI have an absurd amount of comparisons to today’s environment. Intelligent people (like Norman Angell) thought there was too much commerce between the European powers for there to ever be a

Yeah I agree. That’s why it’s just a hope. The only thing that will probably bring the F-22 line back is an open full scale conflict with a near-peer. The F-22 would be an excellent starter, but that kind of conflict will bring the kind of rapid technology shifts that we saw in WWII.

It’ll never happen, it can’t.

I think of economic opportunity afforded in a global system as the carrot, and threat of force as the stick. The global economic system cannot be both the carrot and the stick. History has proven that.

“This plane makes profits, not security.”

Yeah your characterization of me is profoundly incorrect. There’s a small volume of my comments on FA articles that illustrates my worldview and understanding of policy. I have studied globalization and international security, but you and I disagree on which came first.

This is like talking to high schoolers who think they completely understand the world because they recently started watching the news. Apparently we only will ever need airplanes to “shoot brown people in mud huts”.

Less than 300 4th-gen fighters?

It doesn’t take a foreign policy expert to see how overly simplistic and childishly naive your world view is. Have you ever bothered to read any military history, or geopolitics, or macroeconomics?

Forget it - it’s on front page at Gawker, your arguing against Jezza’s and HilBernBros

I stood next to various combat controllers (JTACs/CCTs/TACPs/etc) during some of the F-35's very first forays into CAS-type scenarios. They did fine. Training isn’t real world but calling for fire/sending a 9-line etc can be trained very, very realistically.

I KNOW the F-35 can provide A-10 quality CAS on an even or superior level. I twiddled my fucking thumbs a dozen times waiting on A-10s.