
Couldn’t have said it better. Couldn’t agree anymore. These idiots who never strapped on boots and just fantasize about what these planes can or cannot do or recite from a Google search don’t know what it’s like.

The wall isn’t being built to keep out trade. Majority of tradable goods are sent via the oceans. The wall is being built to stop the illegal immigration that is causing significant strain financially in a number of sectors. And to stop the MASS amount of drugs storming across the border. America has a huge drug issue

How so please be specifc? If anything it’s Bernie Sanders who would bring destruction upon the US economy not to mention there would be a serious gridlock in D.C worse than there is now since Congress would never pass any of his proposals.

Hell No Hillary will not be president. She shouldn’t even be allowed to run for the office.

Hey Tyler can you try to stay out of the politics and just do what your good at...reporting and giving us substance on our nation’s defense and new tech. Thanks

I live downwind as well, but I wouldn’t worry about a nuke from the North Koreans. We have defenses set in place that could stop any ICBM from the North Koreans, they couldn’t saturate our defenses enough to get one through.

Unfortunately the people of North Korea are brainwashed and see their supreme leader as some god and worship him like one. His father and grandfather as well. So I don’t think we can count on a coup. No matter how terrible the conditions they live in, or how cut off from the 21st century they are.

Haha I love how you get so serious over this and you put words in my mouth...I never said anything about doubling down on “dumb” and “simple” concepts. You keep egging on about my perspective when you clearly have absolutely no idea what my perspective is!!! That’s why your a complete and utter joke, and what’s with

Haha you really are something else. I don’t believe in religion or “God” and again with the name calling I must have really hit a nerve because Jesus dude your a joke.

And then maybe I’ll start taking you seriously instead of viewing you as a little child.

You calling me names and using insults just cements my point even more...a little butt hurt are we? There’s absolutely no need to call me a fucking idiot. Why don’t you learn how to get your point across without using insults and name calling.

And we will be cleaning up for DECADES for all the utter failures on foreign policy Obama has committed. Quit living in the past and blaming Bush for everything, that’s all you liberals can ever put up as an argument. That it’s bush’s fault for this and that. Why don’t you kindly kill thay noise.

On top of Obama saying that ISIS was the JV team and even saying in a press release or interview on TV that they were “contained” literally hours before the Paris attacks just shows how big of an idiot our president really is. I’m just saying that Obamas foreign policy has been an absolute disaster and that we will be

And I never said once that we should install a shit ton of our ground troops. All I said is our President hasn’t really done a damn thing, sure he started bombing them and sure ISIS has lost ground but there’ more that needs to be done. Obama sat on his hands while ISIS was killing American journalist and having the

Yeah sure but your not including the transit time from airfield to target...Baghram is pretty far away from the targets in Syria and Iraq. Sure airfields provide advantages that supercarriers don’t provide but it also goes the other way around. There’s a whole lot of advantages supercarriers provide over airfields.

Are you serious? Give Obama his “overdue credit?” So let’s give him credit for him sitting on his ass while he let ISIS grow exponentially, become more powerful and allowing them to have the refuge to plan and execute terrorist attacks around the world. Your comment just leaves the most distasteful, disgusting taste

So let’s just sit on our aSS and watch ISIS grow exponentially and start planning and executing more terrorist attacks around the world. On top of their constant terror executing prisoners, and anyone they find undesirable. And Their constant destruction of priceless historic relics that will never be able to be

Allah akbar means god is great. Not oh my god.

If this is true, I hope it doesn’t turn into a serious escalation in violence (probably will happen) on top of there was a bomb (presumably suicide bombers )that went off at a peace rally in Ankara with over 100 dead and hundreds injured, on top of parliament elections being held this November so a VERY serious and