He makes it quite clear that he knows he’s a superstar though.
He makes it quite clear that he knows he’s a superstar though.
How much money exactly, does the 15th guy on the bench that never plays generate. You could make a case that superstars like Lebron are still underpaid commensurate to the revenue they bring in.
Yeah, fuck him for realizing drunk college kids are an incredible demographic. That’s like a 2nd built in dinner rush.
Most other places have to cook food that just adds to delivery time. This is the sole reason JJ is so fast.
You aren’t even smart enough to enjoy Jimmy John’s. Jimmy John’s isn’t for you.
He can take Mike Lombardi’s old job AKA Bill Belicheck’s water boy.
Just trying to create artificial demand.
They’ll spin this just like the Rangers did. “It’s from tourism so you won’t even really be paying for it!”
1 year per rape is more than most white student athletes get.
He was charged and tried for most crimes in one jurisdiction. He got 18 years for 16 women in 4 states in his first trial.
If only he were younger and whiter. Might have got off with a slap on the wrist.
It’s his 4th year in the league and he’s a monster. He’s polished.
They had gatling guns during the civil war... they were mounted but they still existed.
The Brownsiest thing possible would be for them to go 0-16, then not take a QB 1st overall, miss out on all 3 of Kizer, Watson, and Trubisky, and then all 3 of those guys become stars.
CVS’s are not that big. You should be able to check all the aisles in 5 minutes, especially with no one else in the store.
You don’t know they aren’t attempting to advance the ball until they actually run the play. Just because they “should” punt doesn’t mean they will or have to.
Randy Moss and Rob Gronkowski are the most boring.
So you really did kill them but got off on a murder charge because of a technicality and are now borderline bragging about it. You’re fucking scum.
Excessive to grow something that has massive value? Or to steal it...?
Star Trek: First Contact is not only watchable, it’s the best Star Trek movie in the entire franchise.