I love how immediately after the elbow, he jerks his head back as if he was the one who got hit in the head. His flopping will at least get him a short stint in the NBA.
I love how immediately after the elbow, he jerks his head back as if he was the one who got hit in the head. His flopping will at least get him a short stint in the NBA.
He’s not good enough.
This kid needs to be tied down and have his limbs gnawed by a rat, or he should just go to coach’s office.
This guy belongs in the Trump cabinet. Every time he throws a cheap shot, he reacts like a victim.
Goddamnit coach, that kid needed just one more rebound for a triple-double.
That Kander burn is fantastic. Chickenhawks like Schilling are the worst.
The difference between Irving and James is illustrated so well in this clip. The former takes about 20 dribbles and heaves a (beautifully) contested shot. The latter takes one dribble and finds a wide open man across the court. You can find fault in either play, or find things to praise.
This is an INCREDIBLY interesting article and a great read! Thanks so much for putting it together! This is really combining my nerdery with my love of motorsports. Great work!
Great. Now all I can think about is the analytics of the post about the analytics.
Ketchup/catsup on a hotdog is blasphemous once you’re an adult (over 18).
Does anyone else think ketchup on burgers is blasphemous and disgusting? Like, I only resort to ketchup if a shitty burger is otherwise unsalvageable. I am well aware I might be in the minority here, but to me, ketchup is for hot dogs and fries.
Weird hobby. I really enjoy learning about criminals and serial killers, the psychology behind why they do horrible things fascinates me....And I don’t talk about that because it’s weird as fuck. Met a girl and she drunkenly went into a rant about why I shouldn’t be with her, citing numerous things but topped it off…
The price of admission is 100 percent to the GM, 100 percocet to the owner.
The Padres say it’s not that bad, but it feels bad.
You are wrong about both these things. The fact you continue to post about this stuff despite your obvious lack of knowledge on basic financial concepts is extremely irresponsible.
This is a pretty big handwave away of the (apparently real) concerns about lack of competition that could come with over-indexing. I’m curious as to how you would address that, considering that the same small handful of large funds (Vanguard, Blackrock, State Street, etc.) already are the largest shareholders in many…
I’m guessing (I don’t know the La La Land dudes) that the bald fellow who broke the news over the mic was the above-mentioned Jordan Horowitz?
I’ve never seen him before but I admire how he was serious as a heart attack about this. He wasn’t having any jokes, he was not putting up with any confusion, and he fucking…
Hey man, be sure to duck. I don’t want that joke flying over your head to do any serious damage
You sound fun.
Almost nothing in this whole world makes me angrier than when one of you tells me how I should cut my God damned sandwiches.