
Before there was heartache. This is like terminal cancer.

It’s really hard to get excited about sports when it seems like the officials in every sport are the worst they’ve ever been.

The Browns are 5 years away every 3 years.

Way more deer are killed by bullets outside than cars...

LTC insurance is nice, in theory, but it’s already expensive and companies are still disbanding their LTC insurance divisions because they aren’t making any money.

Kris-taps knot.

You just reminded me I can’t wait to find out who Trump’s press secretary will be.

Trump is finding out how little power the President actually has. I love it.

Anonymous. Why would whoever wrote this wonderful letter want to hide their identity?

Mo Collins?

That was a terrible play. Hey I’m wide open, might as well do a showboat assist to Lebron whose double covered. Fucking lay it up Kyrie.

After “the greatest, most racist, generation” kicks the bucket politics should get more progressive.

People always get sick of presidential elections because they’ve been covered for 18 months. This one is different as there has never been such a sense of palpable dread from basically everyone.

I definitely only watch the NFL for schadenfreude reasons. I was a Browns fan.

God help us from Knick fans if the Knicks ever win a title.

Maybe the best of takes.

Randy Moss’s hand in the air.

No way her dad was a Seinfeld fan.

Luckily Josh Tomlin doesn’t walk anybody. Led the league in BB/9.

That dunk is a warmup dunk in every single dunk contest I’ve ever seen.