
Fuck Thursday Night Football and goddamn everything right now!!!

Watching the o-lineman forced to act like a human stretcher when Mahomes couldn’t get up was a strange experience. He seemed to take it alright. 

I don’t feel so well, Mr. Gibbs

I understand the players are caught between a rock and a hard place. But this has to be one of the most craven capitulations to money I have ever seen by a major athlete. Should have kept quiet. His rationale is bullshit.

Jameis said the craziest thing about playing in London is that you assault Uber drivers on the other side of the road!

Is it more likely that the cops killed this guy or that a drug deal went bad?

Damn. I always thought Richard Sherman was a smart, thoughtful guy. This “unwritten rules” and “respect for the game” shit coming out of his mouth is a huge bummer. You do expect that from the numbnuts Nick Bosas of the world, though.

God, how I miss the days when conservatives could express complex ideas in complete sentences. They were still always wrong, but at least you could understand what the flying hell they were trying to say.

Trump is a filthy coward that deserves to die in prison or at the end of the hangman’s noose.

Probably smells like a combination of Bryl Cream, Hawaiian Tropic dark suntan oil, and Ivanka’s cooter.

Amazing how all of these men live with a fantasy that they’re charismatic, smart, strong, and independent yet each one of these chuds is one of Trump’s handmaidens and errand boy.

Unfortunately, my senators are Ted Cruz and John Cornyn, so I could call literally one billion times per day and they wouldn’t vote to remove Trump from office. I could put loaded pistols in their mouths and they wouldn’t vote to remove Trump from office. I could invent time travel and bring them to witness every

YOU are the reason we have none of those things. “I can’t vote for Bernie! Boo Hoo!” C’mon...this is a good first step...and we have to take the first step before we can take all those other steps. But keep making good the enemy of perfect. 

42% approval rating. I see it all the time but I can never quite wrap my brain around it.

This is the kind of shit I expect from Shia Labeouf.

Hmm, two days in a row discussing wet bags, huh?

He is a caricature of the all the terrible stupid people you’ve ever argued with online, rolled into one pilled out angry Boomer.

Ty mester prasimdent. U r my fravoret! -American USA