
I hope all your sweets turn to dust before you can eat them. 

Who is this fucking Nazi among Nazis? Let’s know his name so we can tell him what we think of him.

The best bosses allow people to . . . keep their own money?

Yeah, I’m ... kind of feeling like that’s not the biggest problem we have here, with Low Barr and “I forgot my ancestors were from Sicily” Cucinelli enabling his stochastic terrorism and bolstering the racism that shields the attempted kakistocracy from discovery by diverting white peoples’ attention from the 9%’s

Not a chance. The man has neither spine nor brain. It’s KFC gravy.

I can’t remember who coined it but it was definitely a writer who referred to him as a “spray tanned hernia” That’s still a keeper although I hope to one day soon get to refer to Trump as “our big dead president”

I fucking hate him with the intensity of a billion white hot suns.

I applaud Kenny Still for speaking out. One thing you will find out though is that most of these old rich super conservative fuckers don’t like being confronted on their hypocrisy or how they spend their money. And the NFL unfortunately is chock full of these guys when it comes to ownership. 

Criminal trespass - this isn’t even breaking and entering - it’s barely a crime. It could be as simple as being in someone’s yard.

Strange how so many white male shooters are mentally ill AND are white supremacists AND support Trump, if not him personally, but his deeds.

The thing to be ashamed about is a fake PhD thesis so comically bad that it wouldn’t pass in undergrad at a real university. 

Design meeting:

What should the failure mode be for the wave generator?”
“Nothing, it should just die quietly and stop functioning.”
“We could do that. Or.. and hear me out on this one...”

You can't spell tariffs without FFS. 

“It doesn’t matter if there’s contact”

I read in some article earlier that perhaps its time for the Democratic Party to ditch CNN and take over the handling of their debates. I’d go further and say ditch all cable news outlets altogether. Do you want to sabotage democracy for profit? Not with our help.

1. Trillions in $’s for invasion of the wrong country? OK

I was going to respond to this by pointing out that america existed well before the 1860s but then I saw the anime avatar and decided not to, you baka gaijin or whatever the kids say now.

A more accurate interpretation of Claire’s quote would be “free stuff from the government (for minorities) does not play well in the Midwest.” That part in parenthesis was implied, not spoken. After all she was a senator from a slave state. 

Rand Paul lives in an HOA so he’s not a libertarian. I think that one still works though.

Last known photo of Phasma’s quarry, Lieutenant Sol Rivas.