
Almost. Aguayo is going to get paid an inordinate amount of money to not do a job he’s not very good at.

Osweiler certainly has what it takes to be a QB on an NFL roster. He’s so tall that even if he knelt for the National Anthem, most fans would think he was still standing up.

Remember this, everyone?

Yeah, please fuck off forever. I’ve lived through catastrophic natural disasters. People need to eat and drink clean water. Christ, go jerk yourself off with Atlas Shrugged again, you wretched piece of shit.

people who did not prepare, buy supplies in advance, or evacuate

Go directly to hell, you absolute nightmare of a person.

You misspelled “worst.”

She should go Super Saiyan Fusion with Scarlett Johansson and double up.

Daenerys is really gonna have Aegon her face when she finds out who she’s hooking up with tonight!

I love really short hair. I have dreams about the day I lose enough weight to rock a pixie cut without looking like a marble perched on a beach ball. (I have a really small head.)

To be fair, The Night’s Watch fired him first...

I can totally confirm that after Khal Drogo, Jon Snow is not going to cut it. Unless he has a PhD in cunnilingus.

And he quit his job without giving prior notice!

Why would Dany want a boney little twerp like Jon after having a Dothraki? Plus he’s all full of making love to a colander. Plus he probably cries after sex..........bleech.

“We have wormsign the likes of which even god has never seen.”

So...there was a galactic cataclysm that changed planets, wiped out species, and came with quality of life improvements?