
Joke’s on you. I’ll be long dead by then.

The Hound is not a big fan of fire and the bear WAS LITERALLY ON FIRE.

Fucking moron.

As editor in chief of Splinter, I must state that Splinter does not endorse Hamilton Nolan’s views about the eclipse. I do, however, support him emotionally.

I don’t believe in erecting statues to living people, but once he dies Frederick Douglass absolutely deserves a statue, as more and more people are noticing.

Public Enemy, Mos Def, Dead Prez

As funny as I thought that bit was, I have to agree. The time to ignore Ann Coulter and Laura Ingraham and Bill O’Reilly and Rush Limbaugh, and the rest of the bozos was 20 or 30 years ago. We could have starved those weeds out then; it’s too late now. The media watered that tree and we fertilized it with our ears and

You can’t just throw around rational responses like that at this time of the morning.

In the psy-ops game, white supremacists are the easiest to control. Barack Obama is a Muslim. Hillary Clinton has a lesbian Indian lover. Economic justice is an issue distinctly separated from racial justice.

Honestly, while I am not a high powered executive that actually seems like a better move? An artist could likely have the kind of business acumen and personal savvy to run what is in essence a feudal kingdom of disparate holdings whereas government is an intentionally Byzantine system of rules and duties and offices

Maybe she meant country music.

In the very first few minutes of the very first episode, they had zombies. So I never watched it again after that, cuz zombies don’t make sense.... LOL just kidding, of course I watched it because who gives a shit!

“Hey Ivanka! Look at this; they’re all calling me a ‘Fascista’, just like you! They think I’m the most stylish president, bigly. Come sit on my lap and give daddy some sugar.”

I was fine until that last part about having confidence in voters making the right decision, having lived in a poorly-run, bottom of the national rankings, white resentment-fueled one-party state (TX, itself surrounded by other such states) since 1994. It all comes back to that “Burns runs for governor” episode.

Keep trying sugar britches....


“Why were you fired from your last job?”