
Old Luke is upset about all these Millenial Falcons.

100% this.

Mother fuckers need to get over this chosen one bullshit.

I bet good money that has been Putin’s plan from the get-go. Overt control wouldn’t fly even with the country filled with Trumpzis who have left reality a long time ago; the rest of the world is watching, too. Simply disrupting American politics gives him plausible deniability and long-term benefits since it damages

Jared is a male meat puppet for Ivanka, who uses him to whisper in her fathers ear because she can’t do so without him looking down her blouse and screwing up the message, because he is distracted. So he simply serves as a mouth piece for her. One that she occasionally pegs on the weekends, just to let him know that

Haters. I predict at minimum, 10 of Hackenberg’s passes will result in touchdowns.

I’m gonna have to disagree, we’re a world of chucklefucks and he’s a prime example.

Oh god. This is the asshole that’s gonna cause the end of the world? Not an insane genius, but this chucklefuck? Goddamn it that is just not right!

60-day DL: the clap from a Dornish prostitute, torn labrum from throwing spear, concussion from trying to remember all the additional characters and plot points.

That would be hilarious. Dany though is really on that “Bend the knee” trip.

Bran’s too busy making sure his sisters relive their trauma to do anything useful.

We’re having a heat wave in Seattle right now, and although the humidity is lower than DC, something like 80% of homes have no air conditioning. And, we’re currently blanketed in smoke from Canadian wildfires, so we don’t really want to open the windows either. Our air quality Thursday was worse than Beijing.

Worked a job that paid $10 an hour every summer in university, in DC, in 100 degree heat, OUTDOORS. I’m a pale, freckled redhead who burns through SPF 50. It sucked. But I powered through, BECAUSE IT WAS MY FUCKING JOB. (I also did this job throughout DC winters, which also was pretty miserable.)

Yeah, I think the bride/groom made an informed decision, but I feel bad for the innocent bystanders. Can you imagine, you’re already dreading going to your shitty conservative cousin’s wedding because when her Facebook isn’t MAGA it’s a fucking wedding countdown clock, and all you’re looking forward to is the open

A giant swirling mass of air that’s mysteriously appeared and isn’t dissipating like you’d expect it to?

Trump has the best, biggest, most luxurious planetary weather systems?

Cool, it’s raining in Neptune, but what the heck does this have to do with Donald Trump?

And what a genius, this guy, another rat scrambling to get on board a sinking ship.