
I nominate Cow Piss Grass Water.

It’s difficult to believe Walgreens management trusted someone who is so young and yet so jowly.

And to think how this pathological liar, a preening egomaniac with the attention span of a mayfly, still has roughly a third of the country approving how he’s “handling” the presidency. Good god.

seemed to corroborate Roundup’s toxicity in 2015 when it labeled the weed killer’s active ingredient, glyphosate, as carcinogenic.

Oh no a internet meme told me Monsanto is bad, I better believe every lie made up about them.

Yeah, fuck them for advancing world food production to the point that hunger is only a logistical problem. Jerks!

Byron Leftwich will be on that list, just as soon as he completes his throwing motion on this pass he started in 2009.

Cool opinion, dude who has seen none of the data the researchers have. For all you know, the search terms could’ve been “how much longer do i have in this oven” or “i took 25 vitamins is that enough to die” or “i think i missed my carotid artery what side is it on.”

Two words, Basic Income. There is no way around the fact that in the future a large amount of the population will not be able to have jobs due to automation there is also A way to handle this you give every person a fixed income call it $1500 (no taxes) a month that they can “get by” on no obviously this would

The whole study is a ploy by Big Sponge to increase sales.

This is gospel, all of it.

Early this morning, as John McCain walked into the Senate chamber to cast what would be a deciding vote to kill the

No one on the planet is as easily offended as Trump voters, the world’s biggest snowflakes.

Always that one douche that has to get pissed about the obvious play, which is to tie any abuse of power to the giant traitor turd pretending to be President.

No one likes your comment. Sad!

Come on now, Gerry did the right thing here. The rule in this situation is very clear, and so he had no choice but to enforce it: moving the on-deck circle is a union job.

Calls for someone with a different opinion than you to be silenced...