
As a die hard Chiefs fan I hate you and respect that comment

Firing up the star forge.

SFW (so fucking what).  Loved that movie when I was a kid.

Fuck you fascist.

Mussolini, have his and his whole inbred reject family’s dead bodies paraded around the country to be defecated and spat upon

It looks like a pair of voluptuous tits on his lower back tiger

It should be the media’s job to mediate and not just act as a bullhorn to blatant authoritarianism 

I honestly wouldn’t have known about the national anthem’s 3rd verse or taking a step back and looking at how ultra nationalistic it is to STOP EVERYTHING YOU’RE DOING AND PUT YOUR HAND ON YOUR HEART AND SWEAR FEALTY...but these guys that caused such a big deal about some players kneeling. Now everything looks ultra

Holy shit this is horrific. I was being sarcastic but I didn’t even know the extent of this. Just...what the fuck.

Should’ve found a babysitter if you’re going to nonviolently protest

I stand for Mike and Ike’s. Fake news, witch hunt....something about polls and “everyone” is saying something.

Mr. President can you point to Iran on this map?

I am a cat person. I love my cats. They start testing the waters on whether I’m alive or dead and thus able to consume if I’ve had an especially long nap.

Fully agree from another fellow progressive Missourian, fuck Greitens.

Securing our electoral process for a functioning democracy or buy one now outdated B2 bomber......If I were a craven shithearted christian taliban extremist you have to go with the B2.

Fervent religious apocalypticism. Cults live and die for thses end times scenarios and make it a point to actively try and bring them into the real world. We have a government run by religious wackadoos who want nothing other than to bring on their own dystopian prophecies so that they can point and say “see, my God

“I have to say, those people that they deemed illegal for daring to live and work in a country they’ve called home without going through the arduous time and money sink that is becoming a naturalized citizen. They just round them up and get them out of an area and concentrate them into one camp is efficient, and I

I feel like this is heading somewhere we might not want to go.