
Watching dead arm brady throw 25-30 completions to the flat or designed pick play with the occasional long pass interference penalty which is basically his long ball is so fun I forgot why I love and watch football!

Especially try saying that when your dentures are trying to evacuate your mouth, sad!

S.F.W....great movie, MIND BLOWING. -me 1995

When I go to the movie I have to go out amonst the general public. The general public are uncouth loudmouth assholes who eat popcorn with their mouths open and crinkle candy packaging for 12 minutes straight and I’m pretty sure 80% of them have some sort of flu or cold and keep coughing and sniffing throughout the

I’m hoping for a Mussolini type deal, him..his whole family...I will start drinking Gatorade right now and never pee if they parade their corpses around for all of america to gawk at and defecate on.

A new expansion to TQ!!! and of course it’s called Ragnarok...pretty sure there was a movie that came out with a similar story line...yep just looked it up. A Bad Mom’s Christmas.

Bring in Mark Mothersbaugh for music director, the music in ME1 was friggin great and that dude puts some awesome synth together. The voice acting of ME2 and the Multiplayer and 3rd person shooter crispness of ME3. MEA...bring back the...jetpack I guess?

Hunting feral hogs from the worlds most dangerous flying objects sounds only slightly less dangerous than driving the speed limit on Texas highways.

He has maybe 2-3 different hand gestures that he uses over and over, the inflection of his voice and spacing of words....everything he does is so fucking REPETITIVE. I can see him in the mirror, practicing once.. “ok I got this man I’m really the best at everything”.

The fuck?

Finally he is going to take office and make Ital...America great again! I’m so freaking JAZZED!!!

The Chiefs need to move on from Kelce ASAP, too much selfish play for someone who touches the ball on offense 13% of the time, I loved the dude in his second season and he’s a better rounded TE this/LAST year. Baggage Baggage Baggage.

Most of the meat was gone from the grocery stores. Well...cannibalism time!

Pushed back by a weather storm that they said would move in earlier today.

TIME, in a factually wrong statement and subsequent documentary about the current president elect by way of winning the minority of the popular vote called the orange pig fucker narcissistic functioning illiterate a “person”. Fix your editing TIME.


Look at what god hath wrought upon us by using the Terminator’s Seed!! Say NO to GMO unless you want your kids drowning in gluten and choking on snicker’s bars and COCA COLA at their chicken pox parties!!

“I can no longer sit back and allow communist infiltration, communist indoctrination, communist subversion, and the international communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids.”


I felt like Total War was a combo of Kessen and Romance series which put the nail in the coffin of the two. Used to love me some Zhang Liao though!