Richard Dawson's Ghost

He doesn’t seem like the kind of guy who takes “seriously” his own personal security.

Putin was a big judoka for a while and has written 2 books on it. His black belts weren’t ceremonial or symbolic, as far as I know.

This ------->>>>>> Musk has shown himself to be a needy and pathetic billionaire craving the adoration of the worst people online.”

Well one things for sure, the money that should have been being spent on the Russian military over the last 20 years has gone *somewhere*...

Troll be trolling not realizing one day he actually might have to suffer consequences of bad shit despite the insulation of being born in and having a fuck ton of money.

My guess would be number of enlisted persons. 

I can’t believe that Putin fell for “They will welcome us as liberators!”

This whole Nazi thing was created out of Putin backing and pushing stories all over the world about how “bad” the Nazi problem in Ukraine has been for like 5 or 6 years now.

In a recent major election? Less than 1.8% of the vote went to the White Nationalist party. While... not great, that’s hardly as vast and

If Putin had bothered to learn real history instead of made-up history, possibly this exercise in futility could have been avoided.

Great comment, and I’d like to add one more thing that Putin and Hitler failed to account for: American manufacturing

Every report about the ineptness of the Russian ground forces brings me back to the climactic monologue in Chernobyl. What is the cost of lies? I can definitely see the kleptocrat-era Russian chain of command functioning exactly as the Soviet-era chain of nuclear responsibility did - “everything is definitely fine!”

No kidding. I figured as outnumbered as the Ukrainians were the Russians would have steamed them right over. Looks like everyone both overestimated Russia’s preparedness and the Ukrainian’s will to fight back.

Anyone who wants to have their mind blown, and understand a lot of the context around the Russia-Ukraine war, should spend some time studying the Eastern Front in WWII. There are a ton of great resources out there, but my person favorite is Dan Carlin’s “Ghosts of the Ostfront” series as part of the Hardcore History

Might be why they surrender as soon as they run out of gas.

Yeah, if the Russian troops haven’t had their “Are we the baddies?” moment yet, it’s too late.

“...while Russia has a formidable wheeled military force...”

All sympathy for Russia goes out the window when they’re specifically targeting maternity wards, schools, civilian cars fleeing, apartment buildings, and journalists. If Russians are ok with committing war crimes, then we need to be ok with the armed resistance to their invasion using any and all means necessary to

Sidewalls will be normal. these are just to show you what’s inside.

FFS why can’t we elect people that don’t feel the need to bring their bullshit religion into their politics?