Richard Dawson's Ghost

Another check it needs, in addition to the one you suggest, is “I’ve noticed a low traction situation x number of times in less than y number of minutes”, to disable FSD for the remainder of the drive. Kicking the traction control in three times within 5 minutes, or for longer than 3 seconds in one occurrence should

Vaccine clinic, LGBT center, and abortion clinic; gotta get all their pinheads to implode.

*obligatory rimshot*

It would make sense for the system to have a shut off for conditions it can’t safely navigate.

I agree, that until the systems are either guided by road sensors, or some other more robust system, self-driving should be limited to ideal conditions. Let them test all they want, but just not on public streets yet. 

Tesla has “Full of Self Driving”

First you mix up reap and sow.  Now you misuse “typo”.  Just admit it was a mistake and quit while you’re ahead instead of lashing out at an obviously well intentioned poster.

I just want to park one outside Randy Hillier’s house and honk all day.

It likely doesn’t, but it should detect “I can’t see the lines on the road, I need human to take over” and instead it appears to go “let me swerve around until I can find some lines”

And if crypto were regulated by the SEC like stocks are that might matter. The entire point here is an unregulated market, with features that allow you to skate on the few legal requirements. Like hiding taxes.

Hell most of the exchanges are probably beholden to Know Your Customer and anti-money laundering laws. And

I wonder if it actually detects ice/snow? it might not in it’s current form.

Yeah, but that’s because Subaru doesn’t have “Full Self Driving”  /s

there isn’t a “self driving” system in the world that can handle that.

6 lanes worth of pavement all covered in 2" of slush with 2 lanes full of parked cars, no lane markings visible, yadda yadda.

It would make sense for the system to have a shut off for conditions it can’t safely navigate.

Ok, that’s funny.

Ford.  Just wait.

I’m pretty OK with this precedent being set. They were allowed to gather, demonstrate, and use mobile barricades (trucks) for two weeks. Then they were given several days to disperse and remove all barricades after which stragglers would be arrested and barricades seized. That sounds more than reasonable and fair to

I think the punishment fits the crime.

Good. Fuck them.

Investigated for what? Using somebody else’s play money to “buy” a jpeg of an ape?