Richard Dawson's Ghost

There is a law, in the Constitution. It’s called the 4th Amendment. It’s been mentioned a few times.

That’s even crazier, I love it.

5th Gear: Honestly an off road scooter sounds pretty rad in an absolutely terrifying way.

I’ve written professionally in some capacity for basically my entire adult life, and honestly, it’s not laziness. You can read something half a dozen times and miss a simple error.

Autocorrect and a lack of editorial staff strike again.

I’m dismissing all the bootlickers in the greys who reply to my comments, btw, but I will offer a quick explanation.

Oh, I’m glad to see the tree design from the Expert Book Shop getting used elsewhere. That was probably my favorite element of that set.

That’s a good step. It seems clear to me that they need to give an order to either vacate the premises or be arrested to every single person still impeding traffic.

You know, it really seems like we’re well past the point to take off the kid gloves on this shit.

As always, ACAB.

You can fuck right out of here with that shit.

I was going to comment about how it doesn’t have sufficient audacious rims, but it does have those ridiculous pointy chariot wheels, so I guess that’s something.

Well, no, they haven’t, unless they’ve specifically gone looking for it. There’s a world of difference between seeing fake violence created in a studio for the sake of spectacle and real, actual death and destruction.

This is why rich people buy politicians. It’s the best way for them to stay rich.

That too.

Well yeah, the President has a big dial on his desk that sets gas prices and the inflation rate.

And who appointed that board?

By that reasoning, the USPS shouldn’t be beholden to a Republican appointed business shark who was put in place with the intention of dismantling their organization.

3rd Gear: The lack of EV funding is 100% on Louis DeJoy. The dude has been doing absolutely everything he can to sabotage USPS, both short and long term, and this is definitely a long term sabotage.

If this was a Tesla recall, Elon Musk would be tweeting about how customers just didn’t appreciate the new spontaneous heating method.